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How do I Loop through an Hash in a Ruby Array

I used group_by to get a certain desired result. Based on the explanation in the answer, I have updated my question to reflect the answer, to see the steps it took to arrive at a solution, see the edit history.

@grouped_test_specific_reports = TestSpecificReport.all.group_by(&:equipment_type_name)

The code above produced this result:

    2.5.1 :026 > pp @grouped_test_specific_reports
{"Ultrasonic Probes"=>
    id: 10,
    equipment_type_id: 2,
    test_method_id: 1,
    equipment_amount: "Multiple",
    equipment_heading: "UT Probes">],
 "Ultrasonic Instruments"=>
    id: 8,
    equipment_type_id: 1,
    test_method_id: 1,
    equipment_amount: "Single",
    equipment_heading: "UT Instrument">],
 "Visual Test Equipment"=>
    id: 11,
    equipment_type_id: 4,
    test_method_id: 1,
    equipment_amount: "Single",
    equipment_heading: "VT Equipment">]}
 => {"Ultrasonic Probes"=>[#<TestSpecificReport id: 10, equipment_type_id: 2, test_method_id: 1, equipment_amount: "Multiple", equipment_heading: "UT Probes">], "Ultrasonic Instruments"=>[#<TestSpecificReport id: 8, equipment_type_id: 1, test_method_id: 1, equipment_amount: "Single", equipment_heading: "UT Instrument">], "Visual Test Equipment"=>[#<TestSpecificReport id: 11, equipment_type_id: 4, test_method_id: 1, equipment_amount: "Single", equipment_heading: "VT Equipment">]} 

My next goal is to list out the grouped test specific report in the browser by their keys, I was able to do that by @grouped_test_specific_reports.each { |key, value| puts key } @grouped_test_specific_reports.each { |key, value| puts key }

  • "Visual Test Equipment"
  • "Ultrasonic Instruments" and
  • "Ultrasonic Probes"

Now we have to iterate over the values, which happens to be an array, in another loop to be able to compare equipment_amount .

The values with equipment_amount: "Multiple" will have the plus icon in front of them, and the ones with equipment_amount: "Single" will simply be a drop-down:

Here's the code for the UI:

- @grouped_test_specific_reports.each do |equipment_type_name, test_specific_reports|
        = equipment_type_name
      = select_tag '', options_from_collection_for_select(test_specific_reports, :id, :equipment_heading), { include_blank: "Select #{equipment_type_name} List", class: 'form-control select2', style: 'width: 100%;' }
      - test_specific_reports.each do |test_specific_report|
        - if test_specific_report.equipment_amount == 'Multiple'

I personally found the question you're asking a bit unclear. For this reason I discussed some things in the comments with you. From our discussion in the comments it seemed you simply wanted to loop through the grouped values for each group.

First I want to clear up whatgroup_by exactly does, because this seemed to be the issue. A simple misunderstanding of what you're currently working on.

group_by { |obj| block } → a_hash

group_by → an_enumerator

Groups the collection by result of the block. Returns a hash where the keys are the evaluated result from the block and the values are arrays of elements in the collection that correspond to the key.

If no block is given an enumerator is returned.

 (1..6).group_by { |i| i%3 } #=> {0=>[3, 6], 1=>[1, 4], 2=>[2, 5]}

The documentation makes clear that the grouped hash has keys that evaluate from the block (the return value). The value that belongs to the key is actually an list of values that evaluate to the same result. This means you can simply loop through the values in the following way.

grouped_values = (1..6).group_by { |n| n % 3 }

grouped_values.each do |key, values|
  puts "Key: #{key}"

  values.each do |value|
    puts "Value: #{value}"

The first each loops through the groups. The second each loops through the values of the group. Since you loop though two different things you can't change this into a single loop easily. The important thing to remember here that the value belonging to a group key is not a single value, but rather a group of values (array).

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