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How to change cakephp3 default pagination limit 20 to 100

How to change cakephp3 default pagination limit 20 to 100

Am new to cakephp anyone please guide me, how to set default limit now is 20, but i want 100


add code below to your controller

 public $helpers = [
           'Paginator' => ['templates' => 'paginator-templates']
       public $paginate = [
        'limit' =>100
    public function index() 
            $users = $this->Users->find('all');     
            $users=  $this->set('users', $this->paginate());

You can adjust the value of limit to any number you want. Like for the one you wanted change the value of limit to 100


<?= $this->Paginator->first("First");   ?>
  <?= $this->Paginator->prev('< ' . __('Previous')) ?> 
  <?= $this->Paginator->numbers();  ?>   

           <?= $this->Paginator->next(__('Next') . ' >') ?> 
           <?= $this->Paginator->last("Last"); ?>
 <p>Showing <?= $this->Paginator->counter() ?></p>

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