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How can i open this javascript in new page or tab?

Happy New Year! I have this bookmarklet but it opens in the same page. How can i force it to open in new tab?

javascript: var lingq_base_url = %27https://www.lingq.com%27;(function()%7B(function()%7Bvar b=function()%7Bwindow.lingq_bookmarklet%3Flingq_bookmarklet():window.setTimeout(b,500)%7D,c=document.getElementsByTagName("head")%5B0%5D,a=document.createElement("script");a.setAttribute("type","text/javascript");a.setAttribute("src",lingq_base_url+"/bookmarklet/bookmarklet.js");c.appendChild(a);b()%7D)()%7D)()

Thanks in advance.

Use window.open funtion for the new tab. See the example below.

window.open(url, '_blank');

Thanks all of you! I think i found my answer i have added window.open(window.location.href, '_blank'); this one at the end of my bookmarklet. It opens the same page and bookmarklet also works. Looks like doing the reverse:)

Try it. I am not sure about your URL.


<p onclick ="OpenNewTab()">Click Me.</p>


function OpenNewTab(){

window.open('%27https://www.lingq.com%27;(function()%7B(function()%7Bvar b=function()%7Bwindow.lingq_bookmarklet%3Flingq_bookmarklet():window.setTimeout(b,500)%7D,c=document.getElementsByTagName("head")%5B0%5D,a=document.createElement("script");a.setAttribute("type","text/javascript");a.setAttribute("src",lingq_base_url+"/bookmarklet/bookmarklet.js");c.appendChild(a);b()%7D)()%7D)()','_blank');

The bookmarklet upload the selected text the website (lingq.com)

I have added javascript in front of the your code. Does it must be like that?

    javascript: function OpenNewTab(){

window.open('%27https://www.lingq.com%27;(function()%7B(function()%7Bvar b=function()%7Bwindow.lingq_bookmarklet%3Flingq_bookmarklet():window.setTimeout(b,500)%7D,c=document.getElementsByTagName("head")%5B0%5D,a=document.createElement("script");a.setAttribute("type","text/javascript");a.setAttribute("src",lingq_base_url+"/bookmarklet/bookmarklet.js");c.appendChild(a);b()%7D)()%7D)()','_blank');

You can use window.open to go to a url.


You can also pass few arguments to determine how the url be open.

  • _blank - URL is loaded into a new window. This is default
  • _parent - URL is loaded into the parent frame
  • _self - URL replaces the current page
  • _top - URL replaces any framesets that may be loaded

You can pass there arguments like this.

window.open("www.url.com","_parent ");
window.open("www.url.com","_self ");

There are few other parameters that you can use. (specs, replace)

Use this link to read more: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_win_open.asp

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