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Connecting to Facebook with UWP Apps

I am trying to get an authentication by Facebook on a UWP project.

This method keeps failing:

FacebookService.Instance.Initialize(FacebookClientID.Text, FacebookPermissions.Email);
var log = await FacebookService.Instance.LoginAsync();
if (log)

This method fails with "User cancelled the dialog flow":

FBSession session = FBSession.ActiveSession;
session.WinAppId = SID;
session.FBAppId = APPid;
List<string> permissionList = new List<string>();
FBPermissions permissions = new FBPermissions(permissionList);
var result = await session.LoginAsync(permissions);
if (result.Succeeded)
    //do something

For creating and configuring FaceBook app that used to UWP client app, you need to refer Facebook Service official document.

The Windows Store SID is a unique value per application generated, and it not tied to the actual store publication. Creating a local application will give you a valid SID that you can use for debugging against Facebook.

Please use the following code get store id.

var id = Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Services.Facebook.FacebookService.Instance.WindowsStoreId;

Remark : From left side menu choose + Add Product Click to add Facebook Login . Ensure you set the following options in the UI:


if (!await FacebookService.Instance.LoginAsync())


Problem solved. Apperantly microsoft toolkit based on an old nugget which had to update manually.

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