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Plot horizontal bar plot with seaborn

I'm crawling a directory and reading a bunch of files and parsing them. All I need is to get the size of the dataframe. I do so by using len(df.index) .

Each directory has 10 files, numbered from 0 to 9. I add all these len(df.index) to a dataframe, where the letters ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] come from a list of categories. These values are added to the dataframe by df2.loc[seed,nd] = len(df.index) . The resulting dataframe is as follows:

         A         B         C       D
0  10515.0  160592.0  221621.0  198884.0
1   9777.0  161307.0  222064.0  199841.0
2  10957.0  159954.0  219553.0  198622.0
3  12731.0  157862.0  221250.0       NaN
4  11765.0  162177.0       NaN       NaN
5   8849.0  155631.0       NaN       NaN
6  10549.0  160976.0       NaN       NaN
7   8694.0  158953.0       NaN       NaN
8  11696.0  160952.0       NaN       NaN
9  10590.0  161046.0       NaN       NaN

In my script, I crawl two directories in a for loop, X and Z , resulting in two dataframes like the one above.

The issue is that I'm trying to plot this dataframe with Seaborn horizontal barplot using


but I don't know how to specify the category, such as shown here .

How can this be accomplished? Do I need to change my dataframe format?

I'd like to result to be like this (from MS Excel)


You can use concat of both DataFrames with parameter keys for specify groups and then reshape by melt , last use parameter hue for specifying groups:

dfs = [df21, df22]

df = pd.concat(dfs, keys=('X','Z')).reset_index(level=0).melt('level_0')
sns.barplot(x='value', y='variable', hue='level_0', data=df)

I think this can be achieved using the orient attribute of seabon's barplot function .

Example -

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,10,size=(10, 4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
sns.barplot(data=df, orient = 'h')


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