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Modifying array of key value in JSON jq

In case, I have an original json look like the following:

  "taskDefinition": {
    "containerDefinitions": [
        "name": "web",
        "image": "my-image",
        "environment": [
            "name": "DB_HOST",
            "value": "localhost"
            "name": "DB_USERNAME",
            "value": "user"

And I would like to inplace modify the value for the matched key like so:

jq '.taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0].environment[] | select(.name=="DB_USERNAME") | .value="new"' json

I got the output

  "name": "DB_USERNAME",
  "value": "new"

But I want more like in-place modify or the whole json from the original with new value modified, like this:

      "taskDefinition": {
        "containerDefinitions": [
            "name": "web",
            "image": "my-image",
            "environment": [
                "name": "DB_HOST",
                "value": "localhost"
                "name": "DB_USERNAME",
                "value": "new"

Is it possible to do with jq or any known workaround?

Thank you.


For anyone looking for editing multi-values, here is the approach I use

for e in DB_HOST=rds DB_USERNAME=xxx; do
    JQ+="(.taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0].environment[] | select(.name==\"$k\") | .value) |= \"$v\" | "

jq '${JQ%??}' json

I think there should be more concise way, but this seems working fine.

It is enough to assign to the path, if you are using |= , eg

jq '
  (.taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0].environment[] | 
   select(.name=="DB_USERNAME") | .value) |= "new"
' infile.json


  "taskDefinition": {
    "containerDefinitions": [
        "name": "web",
        "image": "my-image",
        "environment": [
            "name": "DB_HOST",
            "value": "localhost"
            "name": "DB_USERNAME",
            "value": "new"

You might like to consider this alternative to using |= :

walk( if type=="object" and .name=="DB_USERNAME" 
      then .value="new" else . end)

Here is a select-free solution using |= :

.taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0].environment |=
  map(if .name=="DB_USERNAME" then .value = "new"
      else . end)

Avoiding select within the expression on the LHS of |= makes the solution more robust wrt the version of jq being used.

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