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Quartz.net get all jobs by specific job data

In my application i associate jobs to each user:

    IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create<SampleJob>()
        .UsingJobData("userId", 10)
        .WithIdentity("job1", "group1")

then i would like to get all jobs scheduled in quartz.net associated to some user of my application.

Would it be possible, or someone can suggest a solution for this? Thanks

Assuming you want to do it after scheduling, we can populate a


but I couldn't find a better way than iterating through the keys. I had to do something similar but later changed the dependency to the JobKey instead as Rabban asks.

var groupMatcher = GroupMatcher<JobKey>.GroupContains("group1");
var keys = await scheduler.GetJobKeys(groupMatcher);    // Get all JobKeys

// Get all JobDetails
var jobDetails = new List<IJobDetail>();                                               
foreach(var key in keys)
    jobDetails.Add(await scheduler.GetJobDetail(key));                    

var userTensJobs = jobDetails.Where(j => j.JobDataMap.WrappedMap.Any(x => 
    x.Key.Equals("userId") && x.Value.Equals(10)));

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