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How to fix error: “ The return type 'SliverStaggeredGrid' isn't a 'Widget', as defined by anonymous closure ” in Flutter?

Im trying to set up a SliverStaggeredGrid widget inside of a SliverToBoxAdapter .
I've already imported the package flutter_staggered_grid_view: "^0.2.5" in pubspec.yaml and imported by using

 import 'package:flutter_staggered_grid_view/flutter_staggered_grid_view.dart';

but is not working.

The DartAnalysis is returning:

error: The return type 'SliverStaggeredGrid' isn't a 'Widget', as defined by anonymous closure. (return_of_invalid_type_from_closure at [loja_virtual] lib\tabs\home_tab.dart:50)

This is my first question, so my bad if im not introducing well my problem.

I've tried to update the version in pubspec.yaml , tried to use SliverStaggeredGrid.countBuilder but it didn't work.
My Flutter version is the latest.

Pubspec dependencies

See error

1) Flutter Upgrade

2) Restart your IDE

That should solve.

Best Regards

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