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How to get my queue:work to work on digital ocean server

i have a laravel project where i implemented queue, on my local server everything works fine, if i run php artsan queue:work, it processes my jobs, but on digital ocean server, it doesnt work, if i run the same command, my terminal does nothing, i have tried everything possible, its not still working, i have setup supervisor, but its not processing anything, if i run queue:listen, queue:work nothing happens, is there something blocking my queue from starting?

this happened to me some time ago on my local machine, but cant remember how it worked again then

i have been on this for 3days now no success

on my local machine it works fine, but on digital ocean the queue command doesnt work

things that i have done already

i install supervisor, supervisor works well with no error, but doesnt process queue jobs

my broadcast driver is set to database

i hv migrated the jobs table

I have resolved this myself, let me post how i got this working, in case someone encounters such in the feature

the php artisan queue:work; was returning nothing on the terminal while it was logging the error in my laravel.log file the error was that a column in the jobs table has exceeded 127 because it has been tried 128 times, i cleared the jobs table, run queue, this time I added tries=3, and all jobs failed after 3 retrials, so checking the log file, showed me errors that caused jobs to fail, fixing those error made my app to work well

Incase if someone else is experiencing this in Digital Ocean App platform

in the worker use specify the queue and it will start to work for example

php artisan queue:work --queue=data,default,admin,integration & 

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