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JSONB nested query postgres rails

I have a jsonb column where I am storing some filtering data. The structure I am storing the data in the column is like the below,


I need to query if the filter JSON contains specific event id(Which may exists in any of the " filter " data), But I can't find a way to query if the specific event Id exists in the structure I have(Array -> each filter data -> Any of hash may contain the event Id). I am using postgres 10.1. Can anyone help to get this?

One thing before posting a possible approach: please be aware that this will be extremely bad in terms of performance as this will always require you to do a full table scan. It's possible that someone with more DBA experience than me knows a clever way to add an index here, but in terms of maintainability it might still be preferable to go for a slightly different approach.

Having said that, here's my approach.

with filters as (
  select id, jsonb_array_elements(
    jsonb_array_elements(my_jsonb_column)->'filter') as filter
    from my_table
select distinct id from filters where filter @> '{"event_id":"130"}'::jsonb

This will give you the id of all records including the event id.

Here's a fiddle to demo it: https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/hMSjM675cqQQnb734V4zne/0

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