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Enums to implement different methods in Java

Suppose I constructed the following class

public enum OptimizationAlgorithmType {

    VANILLA(new HashMap<String, Double>()) {

        private final static String ETA = "eta";
        private Double eta = null;

        public OptimizationAlgorithmType setEta(Double eta) {
            this.eta = eta;
            return this;

        public Map<String, Double> getHyperarameters() {
            this.map.put(ETA, eta);
            return this.map;

    MOMENTUM(new HashMap<String, Double>()) {

        private final static String ALPHA = "alpha";
        private final static String BETA = "beta";

        private Double alpha = null;
        private Double beta = null;

        public OptimizationAlgorithmType setAlpha(Double alpha) {
            this.alpha = alpha;
            return this;

        public OptimizationAlgorithmType setBeta(Double beta) {
            this.beta = beta;
            return this;

        public Map<String, Double> getHyperarameters() {
            this.map.put(ALPHA, alpha);
            this.map.put(BETA, beta);
            return this.map;

    protected Map<String, Double> map;

    private OptimizationAlgorithmType(Map<String, Double> map) {
        this.map = map;

    public abstract Map<String, Double> getHyperarameters();    

My goal was to construct an API that when I select a specif Enum then different methods would be available. For example

MultiThreadBackpropagation backpropagation = new MultiThreadBackpropagation(feedForward)


MultiThreadBackpropagation backpropagation = new MultiThreadBackpropagation(feedForward)

Unfortunately, this is not allowed. The ide warns about the unused methods (ie: setEta() )- and the methods are not available at all to select from the specific enum.

Is there a trick I can use to get the desired API?


Edit Added an alternative answer below

I came up with some better

First an interface, then the two parameter classes that implement the interface

public interface Hyperparameter {...}   

public enum VanillaParameter implements Hyperparameter {
        ETA {

            public Double getValue() {
                return this.etaValue;

            public void setValue(Double value) {

                if (value == null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Parameter value cannot be set to null!");
                this.etaValue = value;
        protected Double etaValue = 0.005;

    public enum MomentumParameter implements Hyperparameter {

Now add the main enum class

    public enum OptimizationType {

            private VanillaParameter eta = VanillaParameter.ETA;

            public Hyperparameter get(Hyperparameter parameter) {
                switch ((VanillaParameter) parameter) {
                case ETA: return this.eta;
                return null;

            public OptimizationType set(Hyperparameter parameter, Double value) {

                switch ((VanillaParameter) parameter) {
                case ETA: 
                return OptimizationType.VANILLA;

And the API looks really nice in my opinion and resembles my initial intention. Look forward to suggestions

MultiThreadBackpropagation backpropagation = new MultiThreadBackpropagation.BackpropagationBuilder(feedForward)
                .set(MomentumParameter.ALPHA, 0.001)
                .set(MomentumParameter.BETA, 0.92))

maybe try something like:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;

public class So54067082enums_to_implement_different_methods_in_java {
    enum Type {
        vanilla(new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"eta"}))),
        momentum(new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"alpha","beta"})));
        Type(Set<String> names) {

        final Set<String> names;
    static class ParameterSet {
        ParameterSet(Type type) {
        Double get(String name) {
                return map.get(name);
            else throw new RuntimeException("oops");
        void set(String name,Double value) {
            else throw new RuntimeException("oops");
        @Override public String toString() {
            return "ParameterSet [type="+type+", map="+map+"]";
        final Type type;
        private final SortedMap<String,Double> map=new TreeMap<>();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ParameterSet parameterSet=new ParameterSet(Type.vanilla);
        ParameterSet parameterSet2=new ParameterSet(Type.momentum);

I don't see why you couldn't just use a less naive approach to the problem:

class OptimizationAlgorithm {
  public static class Vanilla implements OptimizationAlgorithm {
    public Vanilla setAlpha(float a) {
      return this;

    public Vanilla setBeta(float a) {
      return this;

  public static Vanilla vanilla() { return new Vanilla(); }


A lot less boilerplate code, no mutable static instances problem and basically the same interface from the outside.

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