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How do I edit PHP variable with JavaScript/jQuery?

I want to update a PHP variable $LinkOpen based on the current state of a checkbox element .avflipswitch .

Based on the .avflipswitch checkbox state, I want to toggle the value of my PHP variable $LinkOpen between '_blank' and '_self' so I can push that value to my Google CSE link target attribute.

What I have tried so far:

 $('.avflipswitch').on("change", function (e){ 
     functionOne(<?php $LinkOpen = '_blank';?>);
     functionTwo(<?php $LinkOpen = '_self';?>);

<gcse:searchresults-only linktarget="<?php echo $LinkOpen;?>"></gcse:searchresults-only>

You can just push the value to a cookie using JavaScript or jQuery and then let PHP retrieve the value from that cookie like this:

JavaScript + PHP:

 /* JavaScript */ const switch = document.querySelector(".avflipswitch")[0]; switch.addEventListener("change", function(){ let blankTar = "_blank"; let selfTar = "_self"; if(this.checked){ document.cookie = "target =" + blankTar; window.location.reload(); } else{ document.cookie = "target =" + selfTar; window.location.reload(); } } /* PHP */ <gcse:searchresults-only linktarget="<?php echo $_COOKIE['target']; ?>"></gcse:searchresults-only>

jQuery + PHP:

 /* jQuery */ $('.avflipswitch').on("change", function (){ let blankTar = "_blank"; let selfTar = "_self"; if(this.checked){ document.cookie = "target =" + blankTar; window.location.reload(); } else{ document.cookie = "target =" + selfTar; window.location.reload(); } }); /* PHP */ <gcse:searchresults-only linktarget="<?php echo $_COOKIE['target']; ?>"></gcse:searchresults-only>

What you are trying is not possible in php, but very easy with jquery:

$('.avflipswitch').on("change", function (e){ 

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