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How do I insert PHP variable inside jQuery/JavaScript properly?

This code works when running the application, but Dreamweaver is giving a syntax error. It doesn't like the question mark there. I like DW to be syntax error free. Is there a different way to write this? I have DW cs5.5 I can't upgrade Dreamweaver version.

    if ( $('#postage6').val() == "Your Permit Standard" ) {
        $('#postage6rate').val('<?php echo $your_permit_standard; ?>');

Putting a backslash before the question mark just makes it print like this, which is not right.

    if ( $('#postage6').val() == "Your Permit Standard" ) {
        $('#postage6rate').val('<\?php echo $your_permit_standard; ?>');

when it renders, there is supposed to be a value like this:

    if ( $('#postage6').val() == "Your Permit Standard" ) {

Also this doesn't work:

    if ( $('#postage6').val() == "Your Permit Standard" ) {
        var somevar = "<?php echo $your_permit_standard; ?>";

The syntax error just transfers from the line where the PHP variable was to the new line where the PHP variable is.

You could define the value in a separate php block:

<script type="text/javascript">
   var value = '<?=$your_permit_standard?>';

And then use it in your JS:

if ( $('#postage6').val() == "Your Permit Standard" ) {

But then you would be introducing JS dependency in PHP, which I wouldn't recommend, but since you're mixing both anyway...

Looks like you're setting an input value with JavaScript, after having set the .val() method argument with PHP. Why not set the value of the input with PHP directly?

<input type="text" name="postage6rate" value="<?php echo $your_permit_standard; ?>">

If you need to run this script at some time other than page load, you could bind the data to an element with the data attribute.

<input type="text" name="postage6rate" data-permit="<?php echo $your_permit_standard; ?>">

And then when you need to run your script…

window.addEventListener('onSomeEvent', function addTheData() {
  var $input = $('input[name="postage6rate"]');

I assume that your javascript isn't in-line (in the same PHP file) which prevents PHP from executing


$your_permit_standard = "0.335";
    <input id="postage6" name="postage6" value="Your Permit Standard"/>
    <input id="postage6rate" name="postage6rate"/>
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.0.3.min.js"></script>
    if ( $('#postage6').val() == "Your Permit Standard" ) {
        $('#postage6rate').val('<?php echo $your_permit_standard; ?>');

And here's the working example

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