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How to load resource files in java based on the environment?

So my team inherited a really large Java repository. It has a configuration file in the packed jar file.

At several places in the code, it loads the configuration file as below:

 InputStream in = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("configfile.config");

Now, based on the environment I want to be able to load a different config file. On dev, I want to be able to load configfile.dev.config and on prod I want to be able to load configfile.prod.config.

What would be the most non-invasive, clean solution to this problem?

Is it a spring boot application? If yes, you can use different profiles like dev, testing and load the resource as per the profile.- https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-profiles.html

If it's not spring boot application, then you can pass the profile value as JVM argument and use it in the code to load respective resouce.


Pass the profile value while running the application as -


You can use the passed profile and load respective file accordingly.

  InputStream in = 

Since you don't seem to have framework support for this and are launching from the command line, the best approach is to use a system property. There are two common approaches:

  • Use a property such as config.location , where the value is a URI to the config file. This is more flexible and allows you to provide a new config file at runtime, but it makes it a bit more complicated to refer to one inside a jar (those URIs get long and need shell escaping).

  • Use a property such as config.profile , where the value is a profile identifier such as dev or prod . Name your included config files either /dev/config.file or /config-dev.file , and assemble the appropriate template name from the property.

Based on your preference for including the multiple configurations inside the jar, the second option is probably a better fit.

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