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Entity framework GroupBy conditionally at C#

I want to write entity framework query. But my groupping is not static, it is dynamically by conditions. My query like below. But, I couldn't give any default value to grouppedData . Because it's changing for every condition. How can I achieve this?

var grouppedData= ??????;

if (isCountrySelected && !isStateSelected && !isYearSelected)
   grouppedData = context.Students.GroupBy(p => new { p.country });
else if (!isCountrySelected && isStateSelected && !isYearSelected)
   grouppedData = context.Students.GroupBy(p => new { p.state });
else if (!isCountrySelected && !isStateSelected && isYearSelected)
   grouppedData = context.Students.GroupBy(p => new { p.year });
else if (isCountrySelected && isStateSelected && !isYearSelected)
   grouppedData = context.Students.GroupBy(p => new { p.country,p.state });
else if (!isCountrySelected && isStateSelected && isYearSelected)
   grouppedData = context.Students.GroupBy(p => new { p.state, p.year });
else if (isCountrySelected && !isStateSelected && isYearSelected)
   grouppedData = context.Students.GroupBy(p => new { p.country, p.year });
else if (isCountrySelected && isStateSelected && isYearSelected)
   grouppedData = context.Students.GroupBy(p => new { p.country, p.state, p.year });

var result= grouppedData.Select(p => new
       PrimaryStudentCount = p.Sum(k => k.PrimaryStudent),
       SecondaryStudentCount = p.Sum(k => k.SecondaryStudent),
       UniversityStudentCount = p.Sum(k => k.UniversityStudent),
       MaleStudentCount = p.Sum(k => k.MaleStudent),
       FemaleStudentCount = p.Sum(k => k.FemaleStudent),

Try this

IQueryable<IGrouping<object, Student>> groupedData= null;

Your conditions here ...

var result = GetGroupDataResult(groupedData);

Now call the function...

private object GetGroupDataResult(IQueryable<IGrouping<object, Student>> groupedData)
          var result = groupBy.Select(p => new
               PrimaryStudentCount = p.Sum(k => k.PrimaryStudent),
               SecondaryStudentCount = p.Sum(k => k.SecondaryStudent),
               UniversityStudentCount = p.Sum(k => k.UniversityStudent),
               MaleStudentCount = p.Sum(k => k.MaleStudent),
               FemaleStudentCount = p.Sum(k => k.FemaleStudent),

           return result;

Try this, use a string key for grouping

var grouppedData=from i in context.Students
                 let mykey = (condition1 ? string.Format(...) :
                              condition2 ? string.Format(...) :
                              condition3 ? string.Format(...) : ...)
                 group by mykey int g
                 select new
                   PrimaryStudentCount = g.Sum(k => k.PrimaryStudent),
                   SecondaryStudentCount = g.Sum(k => k.SecondaryStudent)

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