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VR/AR Toolkit issue

I tried to create the Hello World example but when I play the scene I get the following error:

AsyncRequestCompleted The remote server returned an error: (422) Unprocessable Entity. UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) Autodesk.Forge.ARKit.RequestQueueMgr:AsyncRequestCompleted(Object, AsyncCompletedEventArgs) (at Assets/Forge/CodeBase/RequestQueue.cs:322) UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()

The game scene then just displays as black. Any ideas? I'm using the latest toolkit (Nov 2018).

Cheers, Chris

There was an issue in the new version of the toolkit where certain web requests to the server would contain an unsupported HTTP header, ending with a 422 error code. On Wednesday, Jan 9, around 5:00PM CET, we deployed a fix to the production servers which addresses the issue. If you're still seeing the issue, please send us an email to forge [dot] help [at] autodesk [dot] com with details (urn, time of the request, etc.) and we'll get back to you.

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