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Iterating through an array of objects and displaying the values in textarea

I have to loop through an array of objects and display the values in textarea. Below is the code i tried so far:

<body ng-controller="testCtrl">
<div class="container" ng-repeat="i in items">
    <div class="containerDescription">
        <textarea ng-model="i.name" 
          style="height:120px; width:200px;"></textarea><br>


The values are getting displayed in different textareas. How to display the values in the same textarea?Attached the plunkr link : http://plnkr.co/edit/DF2Na5vHd9SKu9MHQFvb?p=preview

You do not need ng-repeat here, you could join all the elements with the folliwing and call the function

$scope.textAreaValues = function() {
    return $scope.items.map(function(elem) {
      return elem.name;


Should you want to take advantage of two-way data binding, so that users entered manually into the textarea would appear in your model, then you may use a directive with custom $formatter and $parser (to match your data structure):

angular.module('demo').directive('formatNames', function() {
  return {
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: function(scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
      ctrl.$formatters.push(function(users) {
          return users.map(function(user) {
            return user.name;
      ctrl.$parsers.push(function(users) {
          return users.split('\n').map(function(name, i) {
            return { id: i, name: name };


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