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Execute and set parameters on a PowerShell script file

I am trying to run a ps1 file sending one paramter. This script is to unlock account on AD.

My ps1 file is:

Get-ADUser -Properties * -Filter {mail -like "$user"} |
    Unlock-ADAccount |
    Sync-ADObject -Destination "AZUDCMO01"

And I called it using:

PS C:\Users\fornecedor.bmc01> .\bmc_unlock_ad.ps1 "andreza.perez@grupomoura.com"

No error is returned, but the account is still locked.

Anyone tried this way to unlock accounts?

For this you don't want to use the -Properties * parameter at all. All you need is to get an ADUser object with enough properties to be able to send it through the pipeline. Get-ADUser returns more than enough properties for that.

Having said that, You are piping from the Unlock-ADAccount cmdlet to the Sync-ADObject cmdlet, but...
according to the docs , the Unlock-ADAccount cmdlet by default does not return anything. For that part you need to add the parameter -PassThru .

Try this:


Get-ADUser -Filter {mail -like "$user"} |
    Unlock-ADAccount -PassThru |
    Sync-ADObject -Destination "AZUDCMO01"

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