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Why can't I change the value using my input?

I´m trying to change one value of my parent. My parent container send the data to PersonalComponent and PersonalComponent send the data to my AvatarComponent what is the component where I have my input

I receive the props in my PersonalComponent that's I know, but when I send the data to AvatarComponent , I think I can change the data of my container that's the parent of PersonalComponent

This is the parent of all:

class HandlePersonal extends Component {
  state = {

  handleUsername = e => {

      type: "CHANGE_USERNAME",
      payload: this.state.displayName

  handleChange = e => {
    this.setState({ ...this.state, [e.target.name]: e.target.value });

  render() {
    return (

This is my PersonalComponent

const PersonalComponent = props => {
  return (
    <div id="personal">
      <h2>My profile</h2>
        <div id="personal-container">
          <div id="cover">
            <CoverComponent />
          <div id="avatar">
          <div id="user-name">
            <form onSubmit={props.handleUsername}>
              <Button id="save-username" label="Ok" />

I know that it's working because I had alert(props.data) inside PersonalComponent

And then, this is my AvatarComponent

<h1>Value: {props.data}</h1>
<input name="photoURL" value={props.data} onChange={props.handleChange} />

And here, if I alert(props.data) I receive null that's the actual value of photoURL in the HandlePersonal but I can't change the value using my input. Why?

I want to make that when i write in my input inside AvatarComponent the value of HandleContainer change

In short: HandlePersonal.handleChange() needs to call this.setState('photoUrl': 'input value') to update the state.

Lemme knwo if you need detailed answer..im on my phone so not so convenient.

EDIT <input name="photoURL" value={props.data} onChange={props.onChange} /> Because u pass it as onChange

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