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rpm fails to install gtest

while installing gtest on centos using rpm gives following error

#rpm -Uvh gtest-1.6.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm

warning: gtest-1.6.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 352c64e5: NOKEY
error: Failed dependencies:
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.14)(64bit) is needed by gtest-1.6.0-2.el7.x86_64

while locating libc.so.6 got following result

# locate libc.so.6

Should i specify library path for rpm?

I am new to centos.please help

您需要升级到CentOS 7,这是第一个在glibc中提供GLIBC_2.14符号版本的版本。

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