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Are “self-contained” functions more efficient in R?

I'm writing a function that needs to call a function g passed as a parameter to each element of a list, iteratively.

I'm wondering how to make this the fastest possible. I can achieve an acceptable speed using Rcpp and specific kind of g (writing everything in Cpp), but I can't figure out if I can reach similar speed passing an R function as argument.

Was doing some tests to figure out why R is slower and found some really unexpected results:

minus <- function(x) -x
minus_vec <- Vectorize(minus, "x")

Testing with some simple functions to invert signs.

f0 <- function(x) {
  sapply(x, minus)

f1 <- function(x) {
  for(i in seq_along(x)){
    x[i] <- -x[i]

f2 <- function(x) {
  for(i in seq_along(x)){
    x[i] <- minus(x[i])

I got the following results:

a <- 1:10^5
benchmark(f0(a), f1(a), f2(a), minus_vec(a), minus(a))[,c(1,4)]

          test relative
1        f0(a)  454.842
2        f1(a)   25.579
3        f2(a)  178.211
4 minus_vec(a)  523.789
5     minus(a)    1.000

I would like some explanation on the following points:

  • Why don't f1 and f2 have the same speed? Writing the piece of code -x[i] and calling the function minus(x[i]) really should be so different when they do the exact same thing?

  • Why is f0 slower than f2 ? I always thought apply functions were more efficient than for loops, but never really understood why and now I even found a counter-example.

  • Can I make a function as fast as f1 using the function minus ?

  • Why does vectorizing minus (unnecessary since - is already vectorized, but that might not be the case always) made it so bad?

Not a full answer, but here are a few notes

1 minus(x) vs -x : Doing nothing is better than doing something

Your function minus calls `-` , so the added step adds computation time. I honestly do not know the who's, what's and when's specifically, in other words I wouldn't know how much more computation time ought to be expected.

Here is an example highlighting it: we have four functions, all squaring numbers

fa <- function (n) n^2
fb <- function (n) fa(n)
fc <- function (n) fb(n)
fd <- function (n) fc(n)
Fa <- function (n) {
  for (i in seq_along(n)) n[i] <- fa(i)
Fb <- function (n) {
  for (i in seq_along(n)) n[i] <- fb(i)
Fc <- function (n) {
  for (i in seq_along(n)) n[i] <- fc(i)
Fd <- function (n) {
  for (i in seq_along(n)) n[i] <- fd(i)

And here are the benchmarking results

n <- 1:10^4
b <- benchmark(Fa(n),Fb(n),Fc(n),Fd(n), replications = 1000L)
#    test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
# 1 Fa(n)         1000    3.93    1.000      3.85     0.00         NA        NA
# 2 Fb(n)         1000    7.08    1.802      6.94     0.02         NA        NA
# 3 Fc(n)         1000   10.16    2.585      9.94     0.06         NA        NA
# 4 Fd(n)         1000   13.68    3.481     13.56     0.00         NA        NA
# looks rather even
# [1] 3.15 3.08 3.52

Now back to your minus function

a <- 1:10^5
b <- benchmark(f0(a), f1(a), f2(a), minus_vec(a), minus(a))          
b$elapsed[b$test == 'f2(a)'] - b$elapsed[b$test == 'f1(a)']    
# [1] 3.39   

2 apply vs for vs Vectorize :

@NavyCheng provided for some good material on the topic. Now my understanding is, the apply family (just like Vectorize ) loops in R (whereas if I'm not mistaking the looping for `-` is done in C ).

Again, I do not know about the exact details, but if apply/Vectorize use R loops, then, in theory (and often in practice), it is possible to write a proper for loop that will perform as good or better.

3 A Function as fast as f1 :

Ad-hoc, the closes I came up was by cheating using the Rcpp package. ( cheating since one writes the function in c++ first)

In C++

#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector minusCpp(NumericVector x) {
  for (int k = 0; k < x.length(); ++k) {
    x[k] = -x[k];
  return x;

Now to the bechmarks in R

a <- 1:10^5
b <- benchmark(f0(a), f1(a), f2(a), minus_vec(a), minus(a), minusCpp(a))          
#           test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
# 1        f0(a)          100    9.47       NA      9.22     0.01         NA        NA
# 2        f1(a)          100    0.53       NA      0.54     0.00         NA        NA
# 3        f2(a)          100    4.23       NA      4.24     0.00         NA        NA
# 5     minus(a)          100    0.00       NA      0.00     0.00         NA        NA
# 4 minus_vec(a)          100   10.42       NA     10.39     0.02         NA        NA
# 6  minusCpp(a)          100    0.05       NA      0.04     0.00         NA        NA

Ignore -x[i] and minus(-x[i]) , and I summarize the four questions to two:

  • Why apply family is slower than forloop ?
  • Why Vectorize is slower than apply family?

For the 1st question:

The apply functions are designed to be convenient and clear to read, not necessarily fast.

and apply family will do more things than forloop ,

Also the sapply function first uses as.vector(unlist(...)) to convert anything to a vector, and in the end tries to simplify the answer into a suitable form.

You can't read here and here for more detail.

For for 2rd question, it's because Vectorize is a wrapper of mapply and if you type Vectorize in Rstudio, you'll see the detail code. you can read this for more help.

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