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Terraform - How to get App Service object id for azurerm key vault access policy?

Using Terraform, I am trying to add a keyvault access policy to an application (that is also created in Terraform), which requires an object_it (which is GUID) of that application. In ARM template it looks like this:

 "objectId": "[reference(variables('myAppResourceId'), '2015-08-31-PREVIEW').principalId]"

so Terraform needs the principal id there to be assigned to the object_id . If I use the value "object_id = ${azurerm_app_service.myApp.id}" like this:

  resource "azurerm_key_vault_access_policy" "pol1" {
  vault_name          = "${azurerm_key_vault.kv1.name}"
  resource_group_name = "${azurerm_key_vault.kv1.resource_group_name}"

  tenant_id = "${data.azurerm_subscription.current.subscription_id}"
  object_id = "${azurerm_app_service.myApp.id}"

  key_permissions = "${var.app_keys_permissions}"
  secret_permissions = "${var.app_secrets_permissions}"

then when I run apply command, I get the following error:

azurerm_key_vault_access_policy.pol1: "object_id" is an invalid UUUID: encoding/hex: invalid byte: U+002F '/'

this is probably the id that looks like an url with a slash,so this does not work, since I need the GUID only.

I tried also a suggestion from Terraform grant azure function app with msi access to azure keyvault , by using object_id = "${lookup(azurerm_app_service.app1.identity[0],"principal_id")}" for an app service instead of the function and I get an error:

 azurerm_key_vault_access_policy.appPolicy1: At column 43, line 1: list "azurerm_app_service.app1.identity" does not have any elements so cannot determine type. in:


could someone help me with this object_id please?


When you read the description for azurerm_key_vault_access_policy property object_id , then you should know it could mean the web app principal Id.

And the azurerm_app_service.myApp.id that you put is not the principal Id, it's the app service resource Id. You should put the azurerm_app_service.myApp.identity.principal_id that associated with your web app. Take a look at the Attributes of the App Service Resource . Hope this will help you.

However, something not mentionned in the documentation is the need to specify an identity block in your app_service declaration.

identity { type = "SystemAssigned" }

If you don't specify it, you might get an empty list as identity attribute.

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