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Invalid token when echoing PHP value in JS

I echo a PHP value into a JavaSript string, like this:

var x = '<?php echo addcslashes($_GET['value'], "'") ?>';

It works just fine, but when I set $_GET['value'] as "><script>alert('hi')</script> for example, I got:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token

In DevTools, the string looks properly escaped, but is not, because it halts the rest of JS code.

var x = '"><script>alert(\'hi\')</script>';

The contiguous characters </script> cannot exist in an inline Javascript tag. The HTML markup is parsed before the Javascript, and </script> in the HTML markup after the start of a <script> tag indicates the end of that tag.

You can concatenate instead, so that, for example, your text would result in

var x = '"><script>alert(\'hi\')</scr' + 'ipt>';

by using str_replace :

$withSlashes = addcslashes($_GET['value'], "'");
$xContent = str_replace('</script>', "</scr' + 'ipt>", $withSlashes);
var x = '<?php echo $xContent ?>';

But it would be preferable not to dynamically construct Javascript code. Consider using data attributes instead, and to separate the Javascript into its own separate file, eg

  data-x="<?php echo addcslashes($_GET['value'], "'") ?>"

(if you use this method, remember to properly escape " s if they can exist in the result)

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