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How to set up Mockito mock to use same answer for multiple different method calls

I want to test the http layer for an spring boot rest application. For this mocked the service to answer the calls of the controller.

Since i have many methods (eg findBy...) that expect a list to be returned by the service i want to stub all calls at once and all should be answered by the same answer.

For one it is:


Is there a way in Mockito to setup same answer for multiple calls that all accept the same answer? Something like

when(someService.getAll(), someService.getSome(), someService.getFew()).thenReturn(listOfSomeElements);


doReturn(listOfSomeElements).when(someService.getAll()).when( someService.getSome()).when(someService.getFew())

You can store method references and then iterate over them

interface Foo {
    String foo();

interface Bar {
    String bar();

Foo mockFoo;
Bar mockBar;

public void someTest()
    List<Supplier<String>> suppliers = Arrays.asList(mockFoo::foo, mockBar::bar);
    for (Supplier<String> supplier : suppliers)

    assertEquals("Blah", mockFoo.foo());
    assertEquals("Blah", mockBar.bar());

This test is runnable and passes.

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