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Redirection according to browser language

Hi I have a simple app where the user can select the language to use in my app between English and Polish.

When the user opens my website, this is the behavior I want:

  • If Browser Language = English then switch to the Polish language.
  • If Browser Language = Polish then do nothing.
  • Assume Polish is a default language.

Because it's a very simple app, I'm using jQuery for translation.

Below is my solution so far:


 //redirect $(document).ready(function() { var userLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; if (userLang == "pl-pl") { break; } else { userLang = "eng-gb" } } }); // translation // The default language is Polish var lang = "pl-pl"; // Check for localStorage support if ('localStorage' in window) { var usrLang = localStorage.getItem('uiLang'); if (usrLang) { lang = usrLang } } var arrLang = { "pl-pl": { "Valentine": "Do Walentynek zostało już tylko", }, "en-gb": { "valentine": "Remaining days to Valentines!", } } $(document).ready(function() { $(".lang").each(function(index, element) { $(this).text(arrLang[lang][$(this).attr("key")]); }); $(".lang").each(function(index, element) { $(this).text(arrLang[lang][$(this).attr("key")]); }); // get/set the selected language $(".translate").click(function() { var lang = $(this).attr("id"); // update localStorage key if ('localStorage' in window) { localStorage.setItem('uiLang', lang); } $(".lang").each(function(index, element) { $(this).text(arrLang[lang][$(this).attr("key")]); }); }); }); 
 <div class="translate"> <ul class="language"> <li class="eng translate" id="en-gb">EN</li> <li class="pl translate" id="pl-pl">PL</li> </ul> </div> <div class="rss-feed"> <p class="lang" key="valentine">Do Walentynek zostało już tylko </p> <span id="mybenfit-timer" class="lang" key="days"> </span> </div> 

Unfortunately, my solution is not working. What is wrong with my code?

  • the userLang return en-GB so the language is two lowercase characters and the country two uppercase characters so the if statement should be if(userLang == 'pl-PL') not if(userLang == 'pl-pl') it will always return false by your way

  • BUT while you just need the language right? you can try This .. and always use the language in two lowercase characters .. no need to use pl-pl or en-GB you can use pl or en

 //redirect $(document).ready(function() { var userLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; console.log(userLang); var userLang = userLang.split('-')[0]; console.log(userLang); var userLang = (userLang !== "pl")? 'en' : 'pl'; console.log(userLang); var arrLang = { "pl": { "Valentine": "Do Walentynek zostało już tylko", }, "en": { "valentine": "Remaining days to Valentines!", } } console.log(arrLang[userLang].valentine); }); 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 

Try the following I hope it helps

$(document).ready(function() {

    // translation

    // The default language is English
    var userLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;
    var lang = "pl-pl";

    // If Browser Language == English then switch to the Polish language.
    // since there en-GB en-US ...
    if(userLang.split('-')[0] == 'en'){ 
        lang = "pl-pl";

    // Check for localStorage support
    if('localStorage' in window){

        var usrLang = localStorage.getItem('uiLang');
        if( typeof(usrLang) === 'string' && usrLang !== 'undefined') {
            lang = usrLang


    var arrLang = {
        "pl-pl": {
            "valentine": "Do Walentynek zostało już tylko",
            "days": " 10 dni"
        "en-gb": {
            "valentine": "Remaining days to Valentines!",
            "days": " 10 days"

    $(".lang").each(function(index, element) {

    // get/set the selected language
    $(".translate").click(function(e) {
        var lang = $(this).attr("id");

        // update localStorage key
        if('localStorage' in window){
            localStorage.setItem('uiLang', lang);

        $(".lang").each(function(index, element) {

Property names are case sensitive.

Your property name for Polish in arrLang is different to that of English. pl-pl is Valentine while en-gb is valentine . But your key="valentine" looks for the latter in pl-pl which does not exist.

Lowercase them both et voila.

var arrLang = {
  "pl-pl": {
    "valentine": "Do Walentynek zostało już tylko",
  "en-gb": {
    "valentine": "Remaining days to Valentines!",

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