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R Capturing regression slopes by group in a dataframe

My dataframe consists of scores for different questions asked in a survey, over 3 fiscal years (FY13, FY14 & FY15). The results are presented by Region .

Here's what a sample of the actual dataframe looks like, where we have two questions per region, asked in different years.

              Very.Satisfied=runif(16,min = 0, max=1),

My Objective

For each region, my objective is to identify which question experienced the most significant upward evolution across this 3 year time frame. In order to measure significant upward movements, I have decided to use the slope of regression as a parameter.

The question with the most significant upward evolution within a region over the 3 years time frame will be the one with the steepest positive slope .

Using this logic, I have decided to do the following -

1) For each combination of Region and QST , I run the lm function.

2) I extract the slope for each combination, and store it as a separate variable. Then for each region I filter out the question with the maximum slope value.

My Attempt

Here is my attempt at solving this.

test_final=testdf %>%   
group_by(Region,QST) %>% 
map(~lm(FY ~ Very.Satisfied, data = .)) %>%
map_df(tidy) %>%
filter(term == 'circumference') %>%
select(estimate) %>% 
summarise(Value = max(estimate))

However when I run this I get an error message saying that object FY was not found.

Additional requirement

Also I'd like this to work only for questions that have at least 2 consecutive years of data for comparison. But I'm unable to figure out how to factor this condition into my code.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

This doesn't do the "at least two consecutive years" part, but it does the "get the question with the largest slope" part:

test_final = testdf %>%
  mutate(FY.num = as.numeric(gsub("FY", "", FY))) %>%
  group_by(Region, QST) %>%
  mutate(lm_slope = lm(Very.Satisfied ~ FY.num)$coefficients[["FY.num"]]) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  group_by(Region) %>%
  filter(lm_slope == max(lm_slope))

Here is a similar version with filtering by group size/contiguity (had written it by the time you posted so figured I might as well go ahead).

                  Very.Satisfied=runif(16,min = 0, max=1),

test_final <- testdf %>%   
  group_by(Region,QST) %>% # group by region
  mutate(numdate = as.numeric(str_remove(FY, "FY"))) %>% 
  filter(n() >= 2 & max(diff(numdate)) < 2) %>% # filter out singleton groups
  mutate(slopes = coef(lm(Very.Satisfied~numdate))[2])
test_final %>% select(Region, QST, slopes)
#> # A tibble: 14 x 3
#> # Groups:   Region, QST [5]
#>    Region  QST   slopes
#>    <fct>   <fct>  <dbl>
#>  1 AFRICA  Q2    -0.314
#>  2 AFRICA  Q2    -0.314
#>  3 AFRICA  Q2    -0.314
#>  4 AFRICA  Q5    -0.189
#>  5 AFRICA  Q5    -0.189
#>  6 ASIA    Q2    -0.192
#>  7 ASIA    Q2    -0.192
#>  8 ASIA    Q2    -0.192
#>  9 AMERICA Q2     0.238
#> 10 AMERICA Q2     0.238
#> 11 AMERICA Q2     0.238
#> 12 AMERICA Q5     0.342
#> 13 AMERICA Q5     0.342
#> 14 AMERICA Q5     0.342

test_final %>% group_by(Region) %>% 
  summarise(Value = max(slopes),
            Top_Question = QST[which.max(slopes)])
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#>   Region   Value Top_Question
#>   <fct>    <dbl> <fct>       
#> 1 AFRICA  -0.189 Q5          
#> 2 AMERICA  0.342 Q5          
#> 3 ASIA    -0.192 Q2

Created on 2019-01-21 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

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