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Websphere Portal with Angular 6

I want to create one Application using websphere Portlet with Angular 6. Can anyone please help how to proceed with that and is it possible angular 6 with Portlet.

Regards, Srinivas.

While I have not done this, you should be able to create a script portlet/application where you can use Angular 6. You may have to do a bit of tinkering with the theme to get newer versions of js libraries if needed, but that should not be a big deal. Here is a link to resources that will get you started: https://developer.ibm.com/digexp/docs/docs/script-portlet/using-angular-angular-4-single-page-application-script-portlet/

Hope that helps.

I am sure, it's too late for the answer, but it might useful for others.

We are able to integrate with Angular with the portal application.

1) Created new portlet.

2) Create a control class

3) Create Jsp, in jsp we did create an iframe and embedded angular application in an iframe.

Step1) Created a new portlet. in portlet.xml



   <bean id="newPortletController" class="com.myorg.gi.myappnm.NewPortletController">
      <property name="session" value="true"/>
      <protperty name="formView" value="newPorlet"/>
   <!-- Interceptors-->
   <bean id="paraMappingIntercep" class="spring ParameterMappingInterceptor"/>
   <!--Handler mapping -->
   <bean id="porletMapping" class="spring PortletModeHandlerMapping">
      <property name="interceptors">
              <ref bean=".....>
       <property name="portletModeMap">
               <entry key="view">
                    <ref bean="newPortletController">


java.portlet.title=My new application title
java.portlet.short-title=New App title


      <title>New angular app in portlet</title>
      <iframe src="http://localhost:4200/myAngularApp"

My angular app loaded in in iframe.

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