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Async await does not wait for function to finish

I use fetch to get data for each element of an array. Those values are pushed into an array and I want to return the max of those values once all values are fetched.

For that I used a promise:

 async function init() {
     await maxWaste(nut0Codes).then(response => {

 function maxWaste(nutCodes) {
     return new Promise(resolve => {
         let waste = [];
         nutCodes.forEach((element) => {
             let query = queryMaxWaste(element);
             fetch(address + encodeURIComponent(query))
                 .then(response => {
                      return response.json();
                 .then(response => {
         let maxWaste = Math.max(waste);

I am not sure where my mistake is but the resolve happens before the fetch is done :


I receive the zero from the console.log(response) and I don't know why it is not working.

Any advice would be appreciated!

If you're going to write code that uses async , you should actually leverage async . If this needs to be run synchronously-ish, you can await within a for loop. If you want them all to run simultaneously, use a map and Promise.all .

async function init() {
  const response = await maxWaste(nut0Codes);

async function maxWaste(nutCode) {
  const waste = [];

  for (const element in nutCode) {
    const query = queryMaxWaste(element);
    const response = await fetch(address + encodeURIComponent(query));
    const json = await response.json();
  const maxWaste = Math.max(waste);
  return maxWaste;

You could also try writing it like this so that you don't wait for each response to complete before running the next fetch :

async function init() {
  const response = await maxWaste(nut0Codes);

async function maxWaste(nutCode) {
  const waste = await Promise.all(nutCode.map(async element => {
    const query = queryMaxWaste(element);
    const response = await fetch(address + encodeURIComponent(query));
    const json = await response.json();
    return json.results.bindings[0].wasteGeneration.value;

  return Math.max(waste);

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