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Errors on my code are alerts, instead of console.errors

I'm working on Vue.js project, and suddely errors than where errors on console, (console.error) are alerts, (normal browser alerts).

Example. I force this error writing (undefined).anyProperty


console looks:


My package.json modules:

"dependencies": {
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    "npm": ">= 3.0.0"
  "browserslist": [
    "> 1%",
    "last 2 versions",
    "not ie <= 8"

I cand debug in alerts, because objects are [Object object], thanks for helps.

So I did a bit of research for you, but haven't actually tested my hypothesis so take this with a grain of salt...

My gut tells me that somewhere in the code there is an event handler attached to the window error event which alerts the error message and swallows the error. Search the codebase for addEventHandler('error' , addEventHandler("error" , and onerror , and get rid of it :-)

I don't know anything about Vue, but my recommendation for debugging this would be to replace the window.alert function with you own function containing a debugger

let oldWindowAlert = window.alert;
window.alert = function(){ 
  oldWindowAlert.apply(window, arguments); 

Then, once you catch the debugger, you can investigate the call stack (in Chrome this is very easy) to trace down what function is emitting this alert.

The docs lead me to believe that Node_Notifier is the culprit. Hard to tell without seeing your code but maybe see what happens if you remove it?

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