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How to fix “global name is not defined” in my code

i'm giving a list in the function which takes the numbers and adds as more as possible in order return the higher sum possible which is smaller or even to the limit

def maxDistance(lista,limit):
        global maxsum
        for i in range(len(lista)):
                 global mega
        for i in range(len(lista)):
                if lista[i]<=limit:
                        for j in range(len(lista)):
                                if i!=j:
                                        if mega[i]>limit:
        return maxsum
print ("Εισαγετε μια λιστα απο αποστασεις και υστερα αφου την καταχωρησετε ,καταχωρηστε εναν αριθμο ως οριο αθροισματος των προηγουμενων αποστασεων. Χωριστε τους αριθμους με κενα. ","\n")
lista=[float(x) for x in input("dose lista: ").split()]
limit=float(input("dose orio: "))
print (maxsum)
input("press enter to continue")

You need to declare the variable mega before using the global keyword. I suggest:

mega = []
maxSum = 0
def foo():
    global mega
    global maxSum

As mad_ in the comment mentioned: in your case, if you're not altering the variable values, then you actually don't really need the global keyword. After declaring them before the function, you can directly reference them.

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