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dart pub get fails to resolve dependencies

Version: 1.30.0 (system setup) Commit: c6e592b2b5770e40a98cb9c2715a8ef89aec3d74 Date: 2018-12-11T22:29:11.253Z Electron: 2.0.12 Chrome: 61.0.3163.100 Node.js: 8.9.3 V8: 6.1.534.41 OS: Windows_NT x64 6.1.7601

Dart VM version: 2.1.0-dev.9.4.flutter-f9ebf21297 (Thu Nov 8 23:00:07 2018 +0100) on "windows_x64"

[Dart_Reformatter] pub get Resolving dependencies... The current Dart SDK version is 2.1.0-dev.9.4.flutter-f9ebf21297.

Because Dart_Reformatter depends on stagehand >=3.1.4 which requires SDK version >=2.1.0 <3.0.0, version solving failed. exit code 1

I'm not sure what I need to do to fix this.

You need to install a version of Dart (or Flutter) where the Dart SDK is >=2.1.0 – in semver, 2.1.0-dev... is < 2.1.0 .

Try flutter upgrade ?

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