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Zoom in imageView image using c# wpf

im trying to make a window which contain "browse" button to load image file and a button "+" to zoom in the image. Browse button and its open dialog successfully loads the image into Image aka . When I press "+" button, it doesnot zoom in the loaded image but blurs it. Whats wrong?

The original loaded image is named as OriginalSizedImage. The zoomedIn image is named as

private void ZoomInButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            BitmapImage newZoomedInImage = new BitmapImage();
            newZoomedInImage.DecodePixelWidth = originalSizedImage.DecodePixelWidth + 20 ;
            newZoomedInImage.DecodePixelHeight = originalSizedImage.DecodePixelHeight + 20;
            newZoomedInImage.UriSource = originalSizedImage.UriSource;
            imageView.Source = newZoomedInImage ;

It is unnecessary and inefficient to create a new BitmapImage each time you change the zoom factor.

Better put the Image element in a parent element that clips it

<Grid ClipToBounds="True">
    <Image x:Name="imageView" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5">

and then modify the ScaleTransform that is assigned to its RenderTransform (and perhaps also its RenderTransformOrigin ):

private void ZoomInButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var transform = (ScaleTransform)imageView.RenderTransform;
    transform.ScaleX *= 1.1;
    transform.ScaleY *= 1.1;

private void ZoomOutButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var transform = (ScaleTransform)imageView.RenderTransform;
    transform.ScaleX /= 1.1;
    transform.ScaleY /= 1.1;

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