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Is there a break template tag in Django I can use

I am running a for loop to find an image, but I want to block the for loop after it has found an image.

I have found this website that seems to solve my problem but doesn't seem to be updated for Django 1.10.5: https://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2093/ .

{% for article in object_list %}
    {% if article.get == true %}
        <div id="tagHeader" style="background: url({{ article.get_thumbnails|varkey:'grid_thumb' }}) no-repeat center center fixed;"><!-- background image not working becuase home_background isn't in CMS -->
    {% else %}
        <div id="tagHeader" style="background: url({% static 'publicnfx/images/baconburger.jpg' %}) no-repeat center center fixed;">
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Does anyone know another solution for this?

By simply adding |slice:":1" to the end of the for loop I achieved the result I wanted. This stopped my for loop as soon as it grabbed the first image from the first article.

{% for article in object_list|slice:":1" %}

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