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How do I fix this (it is supposed to toggle 'toggle')

This is supposed to toggle between off and on with a click but won't go back to on. :(

I have tried true/false statements as well as g--; & g++; (or g-=1; & g+=1; )

    var toggle=true;
    var g = 1;
    draw=function() {
       if (mouseIsPressed&&g===1){
       if (mouseIsPressed&&g===2) {
            background(255, 255, 255);
            fill(255, 0, 255);
            text('('+ mouseX + ',' + mouseY+')',mouseX,mouseY);

I was expecting it to toggle at a click but it is only staying at the second step.

The second if statement will always be true , because the first one sets g=2 . Here is a simplified example:

 var mouseIsPressed = true; var g = 1; var toggle = false; if (mouseIsPressed && g === 1) { console.log('inside first `if`'); toggle = true; console.log('set toggle =', toggle); g = 2; console.log('set g =', g); } if (mouseIsPressed && g === 2) { console.log('inside second `if`'); toggle = false; console.log('set toggle =', toggle); g = 1; console.log('set g =', g); } 

You can see that both if statements are executed.

You want else if instead:

if (mouseIsPressed && g === 1) {
  toggle = true;
  g = 2;
} else if (mouseIsPressed && g === 2) {
  toggle = false;
  g = 1;

However, if you are not actually using g for anything else and just want to toggle the value of toggle , you can just do:

if (mouseIsPressed){
  toggle = !toggle;

just add and remove css classes:

 let toggle = false document.addEventListener("click", function(e) { if (toggle) { document.getElementById("main").classList = "on" } else { document.getElementById("main").classList = "off" } const onOff = toggle ? "(off)" : "(on)" document.getElementById("main").innerHTML = onOff + " " + e.clientX + ", " + e.clientY toggle = !toggle }) 
 #main { width: 100px; color: white; height: 100px; } .on { background: blue; } .off { background: red; } 
 <div id="main"></div> 

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