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In QML, how can I create a parent Component that takes child Component instances and puts them in the parent Components hierarchy?

Qt's QML has a number of widgets where you instantiate the widget and then give it an instance of a Component for it to display and use.

For example, the Popup widget can be used like:

Popup { // <-- Parent Component
  Rectangle { // <-- Child Component
    width: 100;
    height: 100;
    color: 'red';

How can I do this myself? How can I write a custom QML Component that will take a child Component instance and put it beneath my tree?

If I have a silly Component like:

// File Parent.qml
Rectangle {
  default property var child_inst;
  width: child_inst.width + 20;
  width: child_inst.width + 20;
  child_inst;  // <-- how is this done?

and used like:

Parent {
  Text { text: 'hello world!' }

What is the syntax or mechanism by which I can instantiate or move the child_inst to be a child of my Parent ?

Wow, that's hella confusing way to put it, but if I understand correctly, you want to have children actually redirected to some other object automatically. This is possible, for example:

// Obj.qml
Rectangle {
  width: 50
  height: 50
  default property alias content: row.children
  Row {
    id: row

and then:

  Obj {    
    Rectangle {
      width: 10
      height: 10
      color: "red"
    Rectangle {
      width: 10
      height: 10
      color: "green"
    Rectangle {
      width: 10
      height: 10
      color: "blue"

The result is that the rgb rectangles are displayed in a row, because even though they are nested in Obj , they are internally delegated to the row.

Using a default property means that you don't have to specify it manually. Of course, if you don't want that, you can even use multiple different placeholders, for example, you can have:

  property alias content: contentItem.children // this is a column of contents
  property alias control: buttons.children // this is a row of buttons

Keep in mind that if you don't use the default property, you will have to specify the objects as a comma separated list in the case they are multiple:

  Obj {
    content : [
      Rectangle {
        width: 10
        height: 10
        color: "red"
      Rectangle {
        width: 10
        height: 10
        color: "green"
      Rectangle {
        width: 10
        height: 10
        color: "blue"

This is not necessary if it is a single object, it can be created like this:

  Obj {
    content : Rectangle {
      width: 10
      height: 10
      color: "green"

But you can also use a single target and have your row nest the objects externally, which can save you having to bother with the array notation and gives you more flexibility:

  Obj {
    content : Row {
      // bunch of stuff here

In this case, the content can be a simple positioned Item , that will serve as a placeholder, as it is the case for the popup component.

And finally, you can also use a Loader if you want to specify an inline component, that is one that is not defined in a dedicated QML file but using the Component element.

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