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Angular - Getting property from json object and displaying it as image

I'm having a problem with displaying a image from json that is located on api online. Excuse me for my poor angular skills, I just started it 2 weeks ago. I'm trying to access "image1" property from "data" object in json file.

I've tried using reader to read from url and it worked well, but retrieving from api - specifically json's object "data" and property "image1" seems to be a problem. Maybe problem is that my approach is wrong with just setting src to the "data" object, I need to set it to data["image1"], I've tried setting to [src]="data["image1"] but with no success.


    "id": 1,
    "type": "car",
    "name": "Porsche 911",
    "description": "driving machine",
    "area_id": null,
    "data": {
      "name": "JSON Name",
      "description": "JSON Description",
      "image1": "https://unsplash.com/photos/u6BPMXgURuI"

My interface Car

export interface Car {
  id: string;
  type: string;
  name: string;
  description: string;
  area_id: string;
  data: string;

My component html

<tr *ngFor="let i of cars | async">
        <td>{{i.id | json}}</td>
        <td>{{i.type | json}}</td>
        <td>{{i.name | json}}</td>
        <td>{{i.description | json}}</td>
        <td>{{i.area_id | json}}</td>
        <td><img [src]="i.data | json" alt="image"></td>

My component ts file

export class CarComponent implements OnInit {

  cars: Observable<Car[]>;

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.cars = this.http.get<Car[]>('https://car-garage-             

In my interface if I set "data" type to string or object I get the same error


bind image like this in your *ngFor

<td><img [src]="i.data.image1" alt="image"></td>

and In your interface set "data" type to any

As Ved_Code_it says, bindind [src] to i.data.image1 works:

<td><img [src]="i.data.image1"></td>


By [src] we can see:

  • the html tag image has a attribute named src .
  • It is wrapped by brackets [ ] : This is Angular one way binding. Which means that whenever the value assign to [src] changes the src property of the img element will change too. (If you change the value of i.data.image1 from the javascript, your image will change)

Here I leave some advices for a new angular programer:

  • In your interface Car, you define data: string; but what you really expect is an object so you should change it to "data": { "name": string, "description": string, "image1": string } . This is typescript type definition, and helps the programer not to commit errors but, in the end, when it transpiles to javascript, this code disappears.
  • It would be convenient to check that attribute data exists and it has image1 .


<div *ngIf="item.icon" class="img">
    <img [src]="item.icon">

my JSON:

    id: 'App',
    title: 'App',
    type: 'item',
    icon: '.assets/img/sidebar/app.svg'

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