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How to send email with DKIM to BCC using Chilkat using C# .Net

My question is about sending bcc with dkim using chilkat. I have suceesfully sending emails for past several years using Chilkat. I came across a new requirement where i need to BCC sent emails. Previously, I was using I am adding bcc like


Chilkat.Dkim dkim = new Chilkat.Dkim();
Chilkat.MailMan mailman = new Chilkat.MailMan();
Chilkat.Email email = new Chilkat.Email();
mailman.SendMimeBytes(email.BounceAddress, email.GetToAddr(0), dkimSignedMime); 

I am using SendMimeBytes to send emails. dkimSignedMime contains the cert info and email object mime. Using this same method I am unable to send BCC. I tried


It sends out email but it goes to Junk.

I assign BCC property of email to the relevant email address before converting to mime. But this does not work as expected as BCC info is removed from mime. Is there a way i can achieve this functionality keeping the integrity intact?

Thanks for your help.

Here is an example that shows how to send DKIM signed email, and also explains how to add BCC email addresses.


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