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Room database INNER JOIN results

I have two tables with a relation one to one

For example :

Tables :

  • users [ u_id,u_name,u_address ]
  • address [ add_id,add_country,add_town,add_street ]

Which means two Entities and two DAO in my java code

When i want to execute this query : select * from users inner join address on u_address = add_id

It will return


And like that i'll get u_address which is just an ID instead of ItemAddress object where i can get the data that i want.

I know that i can execute another method which can get the data of the selected address , but i want to know if it's possible to get the whole data by calling just one method ?

As I understand, you want the result of the relation of those two entities.

You can use the Relation Annotation

Same answer in stack overflow.

In your example would something like this.


public class Users {
 @PrimaryKey public final int u_id;
             public final String u_name;
             public final int u_address;

public class Address {
@PrimaryKey public final int add_id;
            public final String add_country;
            public final String add_town;
            public final String add_street;

public class UserAndAddress{
@Embedded public Users user;

@Relation(parentColumn = "u_id",
          entityColumn = "add_id") public List<Address> addressList;


public interface UserAndAddressDao {

@Query("SELECT * from users")
public List<UserAndAddress> getUsersAndAddress();

I have 2 similar tables

  1. Person
  2. Address

1. Person Table

@Entity(tableName = "person_table")
data class Person(
    var id:Int? = 0,
    var name:String? = "",
    @ColumnInfo(name = "email")
    var email:String? = ""    //EMAIL

2. Address Table

    foreignKeys = [ForeignKey(
        entity = Person::class,
        parentColumns = arrayOf("id"),
        childColumns = arrayOf("personId"),
        onDelete = CASCADE
    tableName = "address_table"

data class Address(
    var id:Int? = 0,
    var name:String? = "" ,
    @ColumnInfo(name = "phoneNumber")
    var phoneNo:String? = "" ,    //PHONE NO
    var personId:Int? = 0

And I want to write an inner join query to get email from person and Phone number from Address table

So I made a new Table

data class PersonAddress(
    @ColumnInfo(name = "PhNumber") var phoneNo: String? = "" ,
    @ColumnInfo(name = "Email") var email: String? = ""

and write this query in DAO

interface AddressDAO {

    @Query("SELECT address_table.phoneNumber as PhNumber, person_table.email as"  
           + "Email FROM address_table" +
           "INNER JOIN person_table ON person_table.id = address_table.personId" 
           + "WHERE person_table.id =:personId")
    fun findAddressesForPerson(personId: Int): LiveData<List<PersonAddress>>


and I get the result succesfully :)

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