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Scattered plot in ng2-charts

I have gone through the documentation of ng2-charts ( https://valor-software.com/ng2-charts/ ) but I couldn't find Scattered Plot in documentation. Is any other way to achieve Scattered plot chart in ng2-charts ? Any tricks or customization available? Help me out.

You could use a line chart in ng2-charts and set the color property as follows:

<canvas baseChart

If you define chartColors like this:

public chartColors = [{
    backgroundColor: 'transparent',
    borderColor: 'transparent',
    pointBackgroundColor: '#ff0000',
    pointHoverBackgroundColor: '#fff',
    pointHoverBorderColor: '#ff0000'

You will get a transparent background (fill area under the chart) and a transparent line (the points will still be visible - making it appear as a scatter graph). The resulting graph should look something like this:


Please see this StackBlitz for a demo.

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