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How create nested JSON by Kotlinx Serialization on Kotlin native

I creating a Shared lib by Kotlin multiplatform and I use Kotlin Serialization library for Serialize and Deserialize, I Implementing Graph QL on my project and I use below struct

 "query":"query Operation($id: ID){rres: Cards(id: $id){id}}",
 "variables":{"id": 1}

for communication with API , now I have a issue that I should fill a Json as a Object in variables by Kotlinx.Serialization but I don't find a way for it while I fill varibales as String and API get exception to me.

How I create a nested Json by Kotlinx.Serialization?

You need to make a class for nested Json objects and annotate it with @Serializable

class Data(
    val operationName: String,
    val query: String,
    val variables: Variables
) {
    class Variables(val id: Int)

You might want to have a look at here. I think this thread exactly tackles the issue of storing the object as a Json string, that is nested in another Json.


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