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How to register generic class with AutoFac that requires parameters?

AutoFac lets you register generic classes with builder.RegisterGeneric(Type type) , however it does not accept parameters for construction. The description of the method even says:

Register an un-parametrized geenric type

However, what if I have a generic interface IService implemented by Service, which requires some parameters?

Currently I have it registered like this:

builder.Register(c =>
    new Service<Class1>(

In registration I have to specify the exact type of T (Class1 in this case). Can I do it more generically, so that I have one registration working for any T?

Every thing is documented here: https://autofaccn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/register/parameters.html

Basically, you can keep using RegisterGeneric and use the WithParameter

       .WithParameter("nameOfParam1", parameter1)
       .WithParameter("nameOfParam2", parameter2)

And for the ones looking for with multiple Ttypes (like me).


and here is the class definition looks like:

public class BaseGeneralCrud<TEntity, TDto, TIdType> : IBaseGeneralCrud<TEntity,TDto,TIdType> 
        where TEntity : class, IHasIdColumn<TIdType>
        where TDto : IHasIdColumn<TIdType> , new()
        where TIdType : notnull 
    private readonly IRepository<TEntity,TIdType> _repository;

    private readonly IMapper _mapper;

    public BaseGeneralCrud(IRepository<TEntity,TIdType> repository, IMapper mapper)
        _repository = repository;
        _mapper = mapper;

    // there are some methods defined here..


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