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autofac - register generic on non generic abstract class

autofac - register generic on non generic abstract class

I have the following class structures..

public class DataContext<TEntityModel> : DataContextBase
        where TEntityModel : IEntity
        public DataContext(string databaseName, string serverName = "localhost") :
            base(databaseName, serverName)

public abstract class Repository<TEntityModel> : IRepository<TEntityModel>
        where TEntityModel : Entity
        protected MongoRepositoryBase(DataContextBase ctx)
            this.DBContext = ctx;

public class CustomerRepository : Repository<Customer>
        public CustomerRepository(DataContext<Customer> ctx)
            : base(ctx)

I have tried the following but getting "The type 'Repository 2' does not implement the interface 'IRepository 1'."


how do i do the IoC registration for DataContext ?

AsClosedTypesOf method won't help you register DataContext<> , by the way it will help you register IRepository<T> .

Instead of registering all your repository manually


You will be able to register all of them once :


To register DataContext<> in a generic manner you can use a RegistrationSource :

    public class DataContextRegistrationSource : IRegistrationSource

        public Boolean IsAdapterForIndividualComponents
            get { return true; }

        public IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration> RegistrationsFor(Service service, Func<Service, IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration>> registrationAccessor)
            if (service == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("service");
            if (registrationAccessor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("registrationAccessor");

            IServiceWithType ts = service as IServiceWithType;
            if (ts == null || !(ts.ServiceType.IsGenericType && ts.ServiceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(DataContext<>)))
                yield break;

            yield return RegistrationBuilder.ForType(ts.ServiceType)
                                            .WithParameter(new NamedParameter("databaseName", "test"))
                                            .WithParameter(new NamedParameter("serverName", "test2"))



    builder.RegisterSource(new DataContextRegistrationSource());

You can now resolve IRepository<Customer>

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