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Register generic interface with non generic class

I have a generic interface in my application:

public interface IBaseMapper<DTO, Entity> 
    where DTO : class, new()
    where Entity : class, new()
    List<DTO> EntityToDTO_Transform(List<Entity> requestEntity);
    Entity DTOEntity_Transform(DTO requestDTO);

Which is being implemented by a non-generic class:

public class RequestMapper : IBaseMapper<RequestDTO,REQUEST>
    public REQUEST DTOEntity_Transform(RequestDTO requestDTO)
        return Mapper.Map<RequestDTO, REQUEST>(requestDTO);

    public List<RequestDTO> EntityToDTO_Transform(List<REQUEST> requestEntity)
        return Mapper.Map<List<REQUEST>, List<RequestDTO>>(requestEntity);

I am using Unity as IoC container for dependency injection.

How do I resolve dependencies?

var container = new UnityContainer();

container.RegisterType(typeof(IBaseMapper<>), typeof(RequestMapper); // ???

config.DependencyResolver = new UnityDependencyResolver(container);

Any thoughts?

Because RequestMapper is non-generic, you need to specify its closed-generic abstraction when making the mapping, as follows:


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