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How to properly use destructors with QSharedPointer<QObject> AFTER the exec loop is stopped?

Good Morning everyone,

I am using QSharedPointer with my classes derived from QObject . Since they use the signal/slot mechanism, I must use the QObject::deleteLater() in order to properly destroy them, see for example:

~QObject() : "Deleting a QObject while pending events are waiting to be delivered can cause a crash. You must not delete the QObject directly if it exists in a different thread than the one currently executing. Use deleteLater() instead, which will cause the event loop to delete the object after all pending events have been delivered to it."

QSharedPointer and QObject::deleteLater

QSharedPointer(X *ptr, Deleter d) : "The deleter parameter d specifies the custom deleter for this object. The custom deleter is called, instead of the operator delete(), when the strong reference count drops to 0. This is useful, for instance, for calling deleteLater() on a QObject instead"

Also pls notice that in the previous link it is written

"Note that the custom deleter function will be called with a pointer to type X, even if the QSharedPointer template parameter T is not the same.",

but this is a quite different behaviour respect to the constructor QSharedPointer(X *ptr) that says:

"Since Qt 5.8, when the last reference to this QSharedPointer gets destroyed, ptr will be deleted by calling X's destructor (even if X is not the same as QSharedPointer's template parameter T). Previously, the destructor for T was called." - (I am using Qt 5.7, so I expect the ~T destructor)

Well, at the end what I want to achieve is to call the proper destructor (of a child class) using the QSharedPointer , but since it is a QObject I need to use QObject::deleteLater() , but in my tests I am not able to achieve my goal.

I post a simple test and the result I had.

Can you pls tell me if I am doing something wrong?

It is correct what I expect from the test?

I am particularly interested in the case labeled with "INTERESTING CASE"

class A : public QObject
    A() : QObject() {};
    virtual ~A() { qDebug() << "Destructor of A"; }

class B : public A
    B() : A() {}
    ~B() { qDebug() << "Destructor of B"; }

int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    qDebug() << "QT version " << QT_VERSION_STR;

    qDebug() << "+++++++++++++++++++";
        qDebug() << "Test: QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<A>(new A(), &QObject::deleteLater)";
        qDebug() << "Expected:";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of A";
        qDebug() << "Result:";
        QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<A>(new A(), &QObject::deleteLater);
    qDebug() << "-------------------";

    qDebug() << "+++++++++++++++++++";
        qDebug() << "Test: QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<A>(new A())";
        qDebug() << "Expected:";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of A";
        qDebug() << "Result:";
        QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<A>(new A());
    qDebug() << "-------------------";

    qDebug() << "+++++++++++++++++++";
        qDebug() << "Test: QSharedPointer<B> sp = QSharedPointer<B>(new B(), &QObject::deleteLater)";
        qDebug() << "Expected:";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of B";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of A";
        qDebug() << "Result:";
        QSharedPointer<B> sp = QSharedPointer<B>(new B(), &QObject::deleteLater);
    qDebug() << "-------------------";

    qDebug() << "+++++++++++++++++++";
        qDebug() << "Test: QSharedPointer<B> sp = QSharedPointer<B>(new B())";
        qDebug() << "Expected:";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of B";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of A";
        qDebug() << "Result:";
        QSharedPointer<B> sp = QSharedPointer<B>(new B());
    qDebug() << "-------------------";

    qDebug() << "+++++++++++++++++++";
        qDebug() << "INTERESTING CASE";
        qDebug() << "Test: QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<B>(new B(), &QObject::deleteLater)";
        qDebug() << "Expected:";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of B";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of A";
        qDebug() << "Result:";
        QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<B>(new B(), &QObject::deleteLater);
    qDebug() << "-------------------";

    qDebug() << "+++++++++++++++++++";
        qDebug() << "INTERESTING CASE";
        qDebug() << "Test: QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<B>(new B())";
        qDebug() << "Expected:";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of B";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of A";
        qDebug() << "Result:";
        QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<B>(new B());
    qDebug() << "-------------------";

    qDebug() << "+++++++++++++++++++";
        qDebug() << "Test: QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<A>(new B(), &QObject::deleteLater)";
        qDebug() << "Expected:";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of B";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of A";
        qDebug() << "Result:";
        QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<A>(new B(), &QObject::deleteLater);
    qDebug() << "-------------------";

    qDebug() << "+++++++++++++++++++";
        qDebug() << "Test: QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<A>(new B())";
        qDebug() << "Expected:";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of B (NOT expected before Qt 5.8)";
        qDebug() << "Destructor of A";
        qDebug() << "Result:";
        QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<A>(new B());
    qDebug() << "-------------------";

And this is the result:

QT version  5.7.1
Test: QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<A>(new A(), &QObject::deleteLater)
Destructor of A
Test: QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<A>(new A())
Destructor of A
Destructor of A
Test: QSharedPointer<B> sp = QSharedPointer<B>(new B(), &QObject::deleteLater)
Destructor of B
Destructor of A
Test: QSharedPointer<B> sp = QSharedPointer<B>(new B())
Destructor of B
Destructor of A
Destructor of B
Destructor of A
Test: QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<B>(new B(), &QObject::deleteLater)
Destructor of B
Destructor of A
Test: QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<B>(new B())
Destructor of B
Destructor of A
Destructor of B
Destructor of A
Test: QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<A>(new B(), &QObject::deleteLater)
Destructor of B
Destructor of A
Test: QSharedPointer<A> sp = QSharedPointer<A>(new B())
Destructor of B (NOT expected before Qt 5.8)
Destructor of A
Destructor of B
Destructor of A


I am aware of QObject::deleteLater behaviour, in particular of:

"If deleteLater() is called after the main event loop has stopped, the object will not be deleted. Since Qt 4.8, if deleteLater() is called on an object that lives in a thread with no running event loop, the object will be destroyed when the thread finishes."

But since I am using Qt 5.7, I expect anyway the destructor to be called at the end of my function, that is the only thread that I start (a part the other threads started eventually by Qt)


(I also edited the title)

(The question maybe is getting more complicated than I expected.)

As far as I know, there is no main thread. All threads are equal, also the first one that should be implicitly created with the main function. It should be not special in any way, is that correct?

Then, why exiting the main thread will not delete the QSharedPointer s in the proper way?

The one I posted is a test, in my real application I do have a exec() loop, but the destructors are called AFTER the loop is stopped.

I expect then the deleteLater() s function be called when the thread ends, that is when I exit my main loop.

PS: in order to get all the destructors, I needed a exec() loop, as @dave said, but this would be the second loop in my application, that is:

QTimer::singleShot(0, [](){qApp->exit();});
a.exec(); // a is my QApplication

at the end just before the return .

Why I need it? it is possible to avoid it?

Use deleteLater() instead, which will cause the event loop to delete the object after all pending events have been delivered to it.

You do not have an event loop in your program, since there is no QApplication object. Thus, all calls to deleteLater() will not do anything.

If you introduce an event loop by instanciating a QApplication and calling exec on it, you will see the mising destructors being called:

at the end of main():

QApplication a(argc, argv);

additional output:

Destructor of A
Destructor of B
Destructor of A
Destructor of B
Destructor of A
Destructor of B
Destructor of A


Since there already was an event loop (as discussed in the comments), the problem was that the QSharedPointer objects got deleted after the event loop had already finished. (Aka exec() returned)

The solution to that was to connect the QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit signal with a function or lambda that will delete the QSharedPointer objects. (Or in this case, clear a list containing those)

This way, the event loop has the chance to destruct the objects being pointed to before finishing.

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