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Status code 300 return error in catch block when using axios

当我使用 axios 进行 http 调用时,它会进入 catch 块并出现错误

I think you have multiple choices. You can either extract your code from then callback into function - and call it in error handler when status code is 300.

You could also try this option from axios, to reject the promise only when the status code is > 301.

axios.get('/user/12345', {
  validateStatus: function (status) {
    return status <= 300; // Reject only if the status code is greater than 300

I've needed something a bit more dynamic:

// oversimplified index.js

const axios = require('axios')

const allowedStatusList = json.parse(process.env.ALLOWED_STATUSES) || ["2xx"]
// ^^ check that it's a valid input yourself :p 

const validateRequestStatusCode = allowedStatuses => {
  const stringStatuses = allowedStatuses.map(String)
  return status => {
    if (stringStatuses.includes(String(status))) {
      return true
    } else {
      for (let wildCardStatus of stringStatuses) {
        const validRange = wildCardStatus.match(/.+?(?=xx)/g)
        if (validRange && String(status).substring(0, 1) == validRange[0]) {
          return true
    return false

const axiosConfig = {
  validateStatus: validateRequestStatusCode(allowedStatusList),
  // etc


This would allow you to just supply an environment variable (or however you want to do your config) to change what statuses are valid.

For example, setting ALLOWED_STATUSES='["2xx", "3xx", "4xx"]' would allow any status code from 200 and 499. Set ALLOWED_STATUSES='[200, 201, "3xx"]' and you'd have a far more specific filter.

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