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creating table from data in R

I want to create a table from the existing data. I have 5 varieties and 3 clusters in the data. In the expected table I want to show the number and the name of the varieties with the corresponding clusters. But I cannot make it. This is my data

x <- cbind(variety, cluster)
data <- data.frame(x)

    variety cluster
1       a       1
2       b       2
3       c       2
4       d       3
5       e       1

My desirable table is like this.

cluster    number   variety name

1            2       a, e
2            2       b,c
3            1       d

I would be grateful if anyone helps me.

The following can give the results you're looking for:

x <- cbind(variety, cluster)
data <- data.frame(x)


Here is one option with tidyverse . Grouped by 'cluster', get the number of rows ( n() ) and paste the 'variety' into a single string ( toString )

data %>%
  group_by(cluster) %>% 
  summarise(number = n(), variety_name = toString(variety))

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