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How to generate the same graphql query with different fields

I'm using graphql-tag so i'm going to use that syntax.

Lets say I have this query:

const query = gql`
 query user(id: String) {
  user(id: $id) {

Whats the best patten to reuse that same query document node if on a different call I want the fields username and email in addition to id without having to rewrite the entire query again like:

const query = gql`
 query user(id: String) {
  user(id: $id) {

I'm using react-apollo on the frontend if that makes things anymore interesting.


Just to clarify... something like this

const userIdFrag = gql`
  fragment UserId on User {

const fullUserFrag = gql`
  fragment FullUser on User {

const generateQuery = (documentNode) => {
  return gql`
   query user(id: String) {
      user(id: $id) {

const idQuery = generateQuery(userIdFrag);
const fullUserQuery = generateQuery(fullUserFrag);

(The above does work but give me errors from graphql in the console, which leads me to believe this is not something I should be doing)

Based on your comment the following should work:

const generateQuery = (documentNode, fragment) => {
  return gql`
   query user(id: String) {
      user(id: $id) {

const idQuery = generateQuery(userIdFrag, 'UserId');
const fullUserQuery = generateQuery(fullUserFrag, 'FullUser');

Basically the fragment name used is the actual one that needs to be spread while the whole documentNode object is put at the end, after query's closing bracket

I am not the very expert on the topic, but here is what I have been able to find out. (if you see any mistakes in my assumptions, let me know).

I found this article that makes some good points against dynamically generating gql queries/mutations. It seems like you get some nice benefits with the static approach, although it's a bit more typing.

But, in case you do need to have dynamic fields, I haven't been able to find anything bad about using the @skip directive GraphQL provides. Here the docs ref .

For the case of using it in react-apollo they also have it in their docs .

So, your code can end up looking something like this:

const query = gql`
 query user($id: String, $skipUserMeta: Boolean!) {
  user(id: $id) {
   username @skip(if: $skipUserMeta)
   email @skip(if: $skipUserMeta)

You just pass the skipUserMeta as a variable alongside the id field.

NOTE: I actually found a video which talks about the exact same approach here

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