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Pandas Date Offset - Groupby, and display value for next week and month

I am attempting to add two two columns to a Pandas DataFrame - one which would represent the following weeks value and another which would be the sum of the following 4 weeks.

An example of the existing DataFrame can be seen below. The below DataFrame is only a brief snippet of the entire DataFrame, which spans over a number of years. The DataFrame below was derived using the following function: df = df.groupby([pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='W'), pd.Grouper('company_name').agg({'returns': 'sum'})

 date company_name returns 2014-12-07 Amazon -0.5 2014-12-14 Amazon -0.1 2014-12-21 Amazon 0.5 2014-12-28 Amazon 0.3 2015-01-04 Amazon 0.1 2014-12-07 Facebook 0.5 2014-12-14 Facebook 0.5 2014-12-21 Facebook 0.5 2014-12-28 Facebook -0.5 2015-01-04 Facebook -0.5 2014-12-07 Google 0.1 2014-12-14 Google 0.1 2014-12-21 Google 0.1 2014-12-28 Google 0.1 2015-01-04 Google 0.1 2014-12-07 Intel 0.2 2014-12-14 Intel 0.2 2014-12-21 Intel 0.2 2014-12-28 Intel 0.2 2015-01-04 Intel 0.2 

The desired output would return the value for the next week, and the sum of the next 4 weeks starting from 'date' column. An example of the desired output can be seen below.

 date company_name returns next_week_return next_month_return 2014-12-07 Amazon -0.5 -0.5 0.8 2014-12-14 Amazon -0.1 0.5 0.8 2014-12-21 Amazon 0.5 0.3 0.8 2014-12-28 Amazon 0.3 0.1 0.8 2015-01-04 Amazon 0.1 0.1 ... 2014-12-07 Facebook 0.5 0.5 0.0 2014-12-14 Facebook 0.5 0.5 0.0 2014-12-21 Facebook 0.5 -0.5 0.0 2014-12-28 Facebook -0.5 -0.5 0.0 2015-01-04 Facebook -0.5 0.1 ... 2014-12-07 Google 0.1 0.1 0.4 2014-12-14 Google 0.1 0.1 0.4 2014-12-21 Google 0.1 0.1 0.4 2014-12-28 Google 0.1 0.1 0.4 2015-01-04 Google 0.1 0.1 ... 2014-12-07 Intel 0.2 0.2 0.8 2014-12-14 Intel 0.2 0.2 0.8 2014-12-21 Intel 0.2 0.2 0.8 2014-12-28 Intel 0.2 0.2 0.8 2015-01-04 Intel 0.2 0.2 

An snippet of the original CSV can be seen below.

 date CompanyName return 07/12/2014 8x8 Inc -0.0038835 14/12/2014 8x8 Inc 0.036923354 21/12/2014 8x8 Inc 0.108854405 28/12/2014 8x8 Inc 0.042793145 04/01/2015 8x8 Inc -0.027219971 11/01/2015 8x8 Inc -0.038249882 18/01/2015 8x8 Inc 0.045946457 25/01/2015 8x8 Inc -0.107796707 01/02/2015 8x8 Inc -0.056725981 08/02/2015 8x8 Inc 0.024344572 15/02/2015 8x8 Inc 0.00756624 22/02/2015 8x8 Inc -0.04365263 01/03/2015 8x8 Inc -0.02794593 08/03/2015 8x8 Inc -0.039922714 15/03/2015 8x8 Inc 0.020848566 22/03/2015 8x8 Inc 0.116712617 29/03/2015 8x8 Inc 0.028952565 05/04/2015 8x8 Inc 0.053253322 12/04/2015 8x8 Inc -0.006787356 19/04/2015 8x8 Inc -0.00912207 26/04/2015 8x8 Inc 0.013652089 03/05/2015 8x8 Inc -0.021702736 10/05/2015 8x8 Inc -0.021004273 17/05/2015 8x8 Inc 0.012888286 24/05/2015 8x8 Inc -0.021177262 31/05/2015 8x8 Inc -0.027630051 07/12/2014 AB SA -1.015859196 14/12/2014 AB SA -0.01810143 21/12/2014 AB SA -0.073869849 28/12/2014 AB SA 0.000666445 04/01/2015 AB SA 0.051293294 11/01/2015 AB SA 0.004735605 18/01/2015 AB SA 0.014073727 25/01/2015 AB SA 0.097002705 01/02/2015 AB SA 0.00337648 08/02/2015 AB SA 0.018093743 15/02/2015 AB SA 0.019667392 22/02/2015 AB SA 0.024844339 01/03/2015 AB SA 0.015707129 08/03/2015 AB SA 0.109611209 15/03/2015 AB SA -0.039164849 22/03/2015 AB SA -0.002909093 29/03/2015 AB SA 0.007256926 05/04/2015 AB SA -0.025385791 12/04/2015 AB SA 0.019584469 19/04/2015 AB SA -0.01342302 26/04/2015 AB SA 0.073405725 03/05/2015 AB SA -0.018666287 10/05/2015 AB SA 0.019350984 17/05/2015 AB SA -0.030814439 24/05/2015 AB SA 0.027386256 31/05/2015 AB SA -0.033285978 07/12/2014 ACCO Brands Corp 0.432332004 14/12/2014 ACCO Brands Corp -0.064822249 21/12/2014 ACCO Brands Corp 0.010163837 28/12/2014 ACCO Brands Corp 0.022223137 04/01/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.034659702 11/01/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.026514522 18/01/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.018868484 25/01/2015 ACCO Brands Corp 0.013010237 01/02/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.071850737 08/02/2015 ACCO Brands Corp 0.00126183 15/02/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.016000601 22/02/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.01420295 01/03/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.010457612 08/03/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.006591982 15/03/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.008257798 22/03/2015 ACCO Brands Corp 0.039272062 29/03/2015 ACCO Brands Corp 0.035312622 05/04/2015 ACCO Brands Corp 0.012315427 12/04/2015 ACCO Brands Corp 0.037241541 19/04/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.025075941 26/04/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.010535083 03/05/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.044016885 10/05/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.013845407 17/05/2015 ACCO Brands Corp 0.005056901 24/05/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.024251348 31/05/2015 ACCO Brands Corp -0.051701374 07/12/2014 Acer Inc 3.829777429 07/12/2014 Acer Inc -3.46435286 14/12/2014 Acer Inc 0.042160811 14/12/2014 Acer Inc 0.021342273 21/12/2014 Acer Inc -0.056618894 21/12/2014 Acer Inc -0.046304568 28/12/2014 Acer Inc 0.033415997 28/12/2014 Acer Inc 0.062759689 04/01/2015 Acer Inc 0.002344667 04/01/2015 Acer Inc -0.004460974 11/01/2015 Acer Inc 0.082988363 11/01/2015 Acer Inc 0.093933758 18/01/2015 Acer Inc -0.033983853 18/01/2015 Acer Inc -0.042689409 25/01/2015 Acer Inc 0.017136282 25/01/2015 Acer Inc -0.012539349 01/02/2015 Acer Inc 0.002424244 01/02/2015 Acer Inc 0.010980502 08/02/2015 Acer Inc -0.014634408 08/02/2015 Acer Inc -0.015723594 15/02/2015 Acer Inc -0.014851758 15/02/2015 Acer Inc 0.025040432 22/02/2015 Acer Inc 0 22/02/2015 Acer Inc 0.022919261 01/03/2015 Acer Inc 0.024631787 01/03/2015 Acer Inc -0.007581537 08/03/2015 Acer Inc 0.05445132 08/03/2015 Acer Inc 0.027028672 15/03/2015 Acer Inc -0.023311079 15/03/2015 Acer Inc -0.022472856 22/03/2015 Acer Inc -0.002361276 22/03/2015 Acer Inc 0 29/03/2015 Acer Inc -0.021506205 29/03/2015 Acer Inc 0.012048339 05/04/2015 Acer Inc -0.021978907 05/04/2015 Acer Inc -0.028109292 12/04/2015 Acer Inc -0.004950505 12/04/2015 Acer Inc 0.02756683 19/04/2015 Acer Inc -0.007472015 19/04/2015 Acer Inc 0.003016594 26/04/2015 Acer Inc 0.009950331 26/04/2015 Acer Inc 0.006006024 03/05/2015 Acer Inc -0.004962789 03/05/2015 Acer Inc 0.002989539 10/05/2015 Acer Inc -0.040614719 10/05/2015 Acer Inc -0.087282784 17/05/2015 Acer Inc -0.064193158 17/05/2015 Acer Inc -0.072605718 24/05/2015 Acer Inc 0.008253142 24/05/2015 Acer Inc -0.032031208 31/05/2015 Acer Inc 0.005464494 31/05/2015 Acer Inc 0.057961788 

From the above I would hope to add two columns to each row - one next_week_return , where the following weeks return for the specific companies are shown; and another: next_month_return , which would be the sum of the following four weeks return.

Any help that anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Starting with your example snippet of the input CSV, one solution is to write a custom function to use with df.apply() that accepts a sub-DataFrame for each company, and for each date in the sub-DataFrame, computes the sum of return over the specified number of lookahead days.

The following code assumes that df holds your sample data from the original CSV.

# Convert string dates to pandas.Timestamp 
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])

# Within each CompanyName, sort by date, because we'll
# set the date column as a DatetimeIndex and will
# index-slice it with pandas date offsets, and this
# requires a sorted index.
df.sort_values(['CompanyName', 'date'], inplace=True)

# Set a MultiIndex to ensure that the calculated
# columns returned by the custom function align correctly
df.set_index(['CompanyName', 'date'], inplace=True)    

# Define a custom function to sum the values of `return` for 
# each CompanyName sub-DataFrame. The defaults of 1 and 1+28
# capture the month (defined to be 28 days) immediately following
# each date, excluding the date itself. To get just the 
# next week's values, use start=1, end=7.
def sum_return_over_next_i_to_j_days(df, first=1, last=1+28):
    day = pd.offsets.Day(1)
    df.reset_index(level=0, drop=True, inplace=True)
    rets = [df.loc[today + first*day : today + last*day, 'return'].sum(min_count=1) 
            for today in df.index]
    return pd.DataFrame(rets, 

# Apply the above function to input CSV
df['next_week_return'] = df.groupby('CompanyName').apply(sum_return_over_next_i_to_j_days, 1, 7)
df['next_month_return'] = df.groupby('CompanyName').apply(sum_return_over_next_i_to_j_days, 1, 1+28)

df = df.reset_index()

# Print result
  CompanyName       date    return  next_week_return  next_month_return
0     8x8 Inc 2014-07-12 -0.003883               NaN                NaN
1     8x8 Inc 2014-12-14  0.036923          0.108854           0.066976
2     8x8 Inc 2014-12-21  0.108854          0.042793           0.004068
3     8x8 Inc 2014-12-28  0.042793         -0.084672          -0.146522
4     8x8 Inc 2015-01-02 -0.056726         -0.027946          -0.089796
5     8x8 Inc 2015-01-03 -0.027946               NaN          -0.061850
6     8x8 Inc 2015-01-18  0.045946         -0.107797          -0.100230
7     8x8 Inc 2015-01-25 -0.107797               NaN          -0.036086
8     8x8 Inc 2015-02-15  0.007566         -0.043653          -0.044507
9     8x8 Inc 2015-02-22 -0.043653               NaN           0.115858

    CompanyName       date    return  next_week_return  next_month_return
120    Acer Inc 2015-08-02 -0.014634           0.08148           0.081480
121    Acer Inc 2015-08-02 -0.015724           0.08148           0.081480
122    Acer Inc 2015-08-03  0.054451               NaN                NaN
123    Acer Inc 2015-08-03  0.027029               NaN                NaN
124    Acer Inc 2015-10-05 -0.040615               NaN           0.176922
125    Acer Inc 2015-10-05 -0.087283               NaN           0.176922
126    Acer Inc 2015-11-01  0.082988               NaN                NaN
127    Acer Inc 2015-11-01  0.093934               NaN                NaN
128    Acer Inc 2015-12-04 -0.004951               NaN                NaN
129    Acer Inc 2015-12-04  0.027567               NaN                NaN

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