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How to run Puppeteer code in any web browser?

I'm trying to do some web scraping with Puppeteer and I need to retrieve the value into a Website I'm building.

I have tried to load the Puppeteer file in the html file as if it was a JavaScript file but I keep getting an error. However, if I run it in a cmd window it works well.

 getPrice(); function getPrice() { const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); void (async () => { try { const browser = await puppeteer.launch() const page = await browser.newPage() await page.goto('http://example.com') await page.setViewport({ width: 1920, height: 938 }) await page.waitForSelector('.m-hotel-info >.l-container >.l-header-section >.lm-col-2 >.m-button') await page.click('.m-hotel-info >.l-container >.l-header-section >.lm-col-2 >.m-button') await page.waitForSelector('.modal-content') await page.click('.tile-hsearch-hws >.m-search-tabs > #edit-search-panel >.l-em-reset >.m-field-wrap >.l-xs-col-4 >.analytics-click') await page.waitForNavigation(); await page.waitForSelector('.tile-search-filter >.l-display-none') const innerText = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('.tile-search-filter >.l-display-none').innerText); console.log(innerText) } catch (error) { console.log(error) } })() }
 <html> <head></head> <body> <script src="../js/scraper.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </body> </html>

The expected result should be this one in the console of Chrome:

But I'm getting this error instead:

What am I doing wrong?

EDIT: Since puppeteer removed support for puppeteer-web, I moved it out of the repo and tried to patch it a bit.

It does work with browser. The package is called puppeteer-web , specifically made for such cases.

But the main point is, there must be some instance of chrome running on some server. Only then you can connect to it.

You can use it later on in your web page to drive another browser instance through its WS Endpoint:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/puppeteer-web">

  const browser = await puppeteer.connect({
    browserWSEndpoint: `ws://`, // <-- connect to a server running somewhere
    ignoreHTTPSErrors: true

  const pagesCount = (await browser.pages()).length;
  const browserWSEndpoint = await browser.wsEndpoint();
  console.log({ browserWSEndpoint, pagesCount });

I had some fun with puppeteer and webpack,

See these answers for full understanding of creating the server and more,

Instead, use Puppeteer in the backend and make an API to interface your frontend with it if your main goal is to web scrape and get the data in the frontend.

Puppeteer runs on the server in Node.js. For the common case, rather than using puppeteer-web to allow the client to write Puppeteer code to control the browser, it's better to create an HTTP or websocket API that lets clients indirectly trigger Puppeteer code.

Reasons to prefer a REST API over puppeteer-connect:

  • better support for arbitrary client codebases--clients that aren't written in JS (desktop, command line and mobile apps, for example) can use the API just as easily as the browser can
  • no dependency on puppeteer-connect
  • lower client-side complexity; for many use cases JS won't be required at all if HTML forms suffice
  • better control of client behavior--running a browser on the server is a heavy load and has powerful capabilities that are easy to exploit
  • easier to integrate with other backend code and resources like the file system
  • provides seamless integration with an existing API as just another set of routes
  • hiding Puppeteer as an implementation detail lets you switch to, say, Playwright in the future without the client code being affected.

Similarly, rather than exposing a mock fs object to read and write files on the server, we expose REST API endpoints to accomplish these tasks. This is a useful layer of abstraction.

Since there are many use cases for Puppeteer in the context of an API (usually Express), it's hard to offer a general example, but here are a few case studies you can use as starting points:

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