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oct2py isn't seeing OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE environment variable (Windows)

So, I'm trying to use oct2py on Windows, like so:

from oct2py import octave

That's literally the only code I need to reproduce the error.

When I execute this, I get OSError: Octave Executable not found, please add to path or set"OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE" environment variable . However, I have already set OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE as a system variable, which points to "C:\\Octave\\Octave-4.4.1\\bin\\octave-cli-4.4.1.exe" . Opening up the command line and running %OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE% gives me the Octave CLI, so I know it's right.

I've tried rebooting. I've also tried adding the Octave folder to my Path and removing OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE . Neither work.

EDIT: I've also tried using just octave-cli.exe , and I've tried doing print(os.environ['OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE']) , which returns the expected path.

Any ideas here?

In spite of what you mention in your comment:

It appears that, somewhere along the line, octave.exe got replaced with octave-cli.exe. There is no longer an octave.exe distributed with the Octave package. Others have successfully pointed OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE at octave-cli.exe

Recently more people had a similar issue and the oct2py developers fixed it in the 5.0.0 version some hours ago. Actually they said :

Ah, I see what the issue is here. The convenience octave instance is created before you get a chance to set the executable property. Given that fact, I think the only right answer is to remove the executable argument in favor of using PATH or the OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE environment variable.

Anyway I had to adapt my code to make it work updating the environment variable OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE :

import shutil
import os
import sys

if sys.platform == 'win32':
    # os.environ['OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE'] = shutil.which('octave')
    # >> I had to replace this with this other line >>

    os.environ['OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE'] = shutil.which('octave-cli.exe')

There's two executables, octave-cli.exe and octave-cli-4.4.1.exe. What if you try the one without the version number? I only needed to restart the Spyder IDE for it to work

The documentation ( http://blink1073.github.io/oct2py/source/installation.html ) mentions oct2py may in fact be tryin to find a file called octave.exe, not octave-cli.exe

Try modifying your OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE to point to that instead. Though, in theory, if octave.exe and octave-cli.exe both sit in the same directory, adding to path should have worked ... but try anyway!

Not sure if this will help so long after the OP, but here is what worked for me:

  1. Download Octave as a .7z file and unzip it to hard disk
  2. Run post-install.bat (from the folder entitled octave-5.2.0-w64 or something similar)
  3. Restart Windows 10 machine (due to messages encountered during run of post-install.bat)
  4. Run octave-firsttime.vbs
  5. Quit the Octave program
  6. Execute the following python code (in 3.7.6)
import os

pathToExecutable = (
os.environ['OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE'] = pathToExecutable
from oct2py import octave

I was running into a problem because, first of all, I failed to comprehend that I needed to install an Octave interpreter (I thought oct2py came with one) and then since I am not an administrator I figured I would never be able to install it, but I worked it out!

Using Windows 10 and local user installation of Octave 6.2.0 creating new user environment Variable:


and setting to: %LOCALAPPDATA%\\Programs\\GNU Octave\\Octave-6.2.0\\mingw64\\bin\\octave-cli.exe

worked for me. I did not need admin rights for this.

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